I can think of a handful of games that, despite being games that I’ve enjoyed, never really became part of a “genre”. Do you have any like this, and if so, which?

Are they games that you’d like to see another entrant to the genre to? Would you recommend the original game as one to keep playing?

  • Crispy@sh.itjust.works
    2 days ago

    Return of the Obra Dinn is a great and very unique game in my opinion. A fun investigation game that makes me feel smart for solving it. I wish I could replay it, but once you’ve solved how everyone has died aboard the Obra Dinn, there’s not much reason to replay.

  • voik@ttrpg.network
    4 days ago

    Outer Wilds

    If you’re a naturally curious person, the odds are you will probably enjoy Outer Wilds. No other game I’ve played has ever had quite the same blend of mystery, conquering the unknown, and semi-realistic space exploration.

    Could someone make another game like it? Not impossible, I suppose, but I think you would be hard pressed.

    Should you keep playing the original? You really can’t, one time through is all you get. Once you have discovered all the secrets and uncovered the mysteries, that is your journey through it. Still fun to visit every once in a while, though

  • tal@lemmy.todayOP
    3 days ago

    I’ve got a couple games that maybe fit this category.

    • Kerbal Space Program. This had a sequel coming out that apparently wasn’t going very well and was cancelled, so right now, the possibility of a complete additional game isn’t that great. Spaceflight simulator, where one can design and craft spacecraft and amospheric craft, as well as space bases. One can fly to other planets, set up bases, set up satellite networks, etc. There are some “build your own vehicle”-type games, but not as much of a hard sim as this. I believe that X-Plane can handle atmospheric craft modeling, though the scope of that game is much smaller and it focuses more on flying the aircraft. Has a campaign to progress through, where one performs discoveries and conducts research. I’d recommend this to someone who hasn’t played it and likes sim games.

    • Kenshi. There’s a sequel coming out, so maybe it won’t be unique at some point. They player controls a squad that moves around the world in real-time – there isn’t an “overworld map”. The squad can be split up into multiple squads. One can build outposts and defenses and such and have something of an automated economy. There’s a tech tree. The world has various factions and dynamic control of regions, something like Mount & Blade: Warband. There are unique biomes to travel through. A fair bit of the world is placed. The world starts out in a mostly-hand-crafted, fixed state, but evolves over time. Character progression isn’t based on point allocation, but on specific experience; have a character get hurt, and over time his ability to take damage will rise, and so forth. I think that this is still worth playing, though it’s by no means a beautiful game and possibly (hopefully) will be surpassed by its sequel.

    • Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim. A real-time colony sim that can mostly run itself. One has indirect control for the most part; one directly controls upgrades, certain spell and structure abilities, and can spend money to create “incentive flags” to create missions for characters to fulfill. I don’t know if it’s right to call it a single-game genre – it’s a colony sim, and other colony sims exist, like Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, and such. Populus and some god games have direct control over spells. But I don’t know of any other colony sim that plays much like it – most of the focus is on upgrades and on countering waves of invaders, and the gold economy is ununusual. The same developer tried making a sequel, but eliminated the “sandbox” mode, and turned it into more of a puzzle game, and that game didn’t do very well. One builds a colony in real time. There is no direct control over the individual characters, but for certain actions, one can spend money to incentivize them to do certain things. Characters level up and purchase equipment using gold they earn and that you expend on them to purchase items. Some of your control comes from things like building inns to cause them to spend idle time in particular locations. Building construction and maintenance is carried out automatically by peasants. As adventurers spend gold at buildings, it comes back to your control. I think that I’d have a hard time recommending today due to its age (you’re going to have 2d pixel graphics that are going to be tiny on a current computer).

    • Pinball Construction Set. This is a video pinball game where the player can use premade elements to easily put together their own pinball board. Very elderly now, dates back to the early 1980s. I remember being absolutely fascinated by this back in the day. Since that time, there have been many video pinball games, as well as some systems that permit some level of authoring capability (e.g. Visual Pinball can run user-created pinball boards), but these require a lot more effort and expertise and “real” authoring tools to put together a pinball board; one can’t just drop in in-game and start throwing elements together. I don’t think that I can recommend this, as it’s absolutely ancient today.

    • Noita. It’s based on Liero, but really not at all like it. It’s an action-roguelite (well, that’s a genre, but nothing really similar beneath that level of specificity) that has side-scrolling over an open world. Various materials interact and have their interactions simulated at a per-pixel level, something like the “falling sand” genre. However, there are enemies running around, and the player controls a character that walks and floats through the world. One can find various containers of substances; one can try and mix things together to manipulate the world. One finds wands with spells; one can combine spells and various spell modifiers on wands to create all sorts of custom magic weapons that can range from utility to offensive. The aim, as with many many roguelites, is to try to use some luck and synergies between various items to come up with truly game-breaking combinations. I can definitely recommend this game; I found it to be very good value-for-money.

    Honorable mention:

    • Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising. This is not a single-game genre, but there have only been two successful games in the genre, and one, Carrier Command, is from the 1980s (and which I’ve never played). You control a carrier (strictly speaking, an amphibious assault ship) that moves along an island chain; it can create surface, amphibious, land, and aircraft and weapons for these. One has a limited number of AIs that can control some vehicles automatically; one can give general orders to these, control the vehicles directly. One can capture more resources from the islands to expand one’s abilities. There was a remake of Carrier Command, which flopped, and a sequel, Carrier Command 2, a relatively-recent game, but unlike Hostile Waters, is really intended to be played cooperative multiplayer; playing single-player places a very heavy workload on the player…so I have a hard time placing it in the same genre, even if it has many similarities and was inspired by the same game. While I enjoyed Hostile Waters and I think that it could still be enjoyed, it’s getting a bit long-in-the-tooth graphically, and I recall it being a bit unstable even back in the day.
    • Sabata@ani.social
      3 days ago


      The main section of the game is the tip of the iceberg. Everything is hidden and blocked off, you got to make game breaking combos to start picking up the threads. Finding the mystery/puzzles feels like you no clipped out and found more content that’s not supposed to be seen. You feel like a crazy investigator hinging threads at a cork board once you got game play down.

  • DannyBoy@sh.itjust.works
    4 days ago

    The Stanley Parable doesn’t really have a genre, and I don’t think you make another entry into that genre without being derivative. There’s a couple games I can think of that have themes of player agency, Bioshock and to a lesser extent Spec Ops: The Line. Just some ramblings.

  • Chozo@fedia.io
    4 days ago

    While it’s a series, it’s really the only franchise like it, so it kinda is its own genre: Katamari.

  • GrayBackgroundMusic@lemm.ee
    3 days ago

    Hardspace shipbreaker. You are a wage slave in orbit, disassembling and salvaging ships and binning the components. It’s very dystopian. Essentially it’s a puzzle game, to maximize profit and completion rate, but with physics and lasers.

  • ssm@lemmy.sdf.org
    4 days ago

    EVE Online AKA Spreadsheets Online, back when I played it in 2009. No idea if it’s the same now. Almost entirely player driven economy and factions (outside of hi-sec).

    Elite Dangerous, sort of. No other Space Sim is on its scale (I wouldn’t really call something like Space Engine a space sim). Unique, but mixed recommendations because it’s a very shallow game in a lot of ways, but it’s got a cool vibe. Speaking of which…

    Space Engine. Not really a game, so much as a universe-simulator. It is unknown to this day how a mortal could create something of this grandeur. Maybe the source code will be released eventually.

    Someone else already mentioned Noita :(

    Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is the most realistic game ever made. No other game had made me ask “what would I do in real life?” before. Of course, this dies out the more you learn the meta, but your first dozen or so runs are special.

    Minecraft is hardly unique now, but when it came out it was one-of-a-kind.

    • tal@lemmy.todayOP
      4 days ago

      Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is the most realistic game ever made. No other game had made me ask “what would I do in real life?” before. Of course, this dies out the more you learn the meta, but your first dozen or so runs are special.

      There are some other games that I’d call somewhat-similar. There’s that old Finnish game, whatsit called, is kind of similar in that it’s a wilderness survival roguelike. An innawoods run in Cataclysm can play kind of like that, though Cataclysm as a whole is a lot larger.


      UnReal World

      It never quite grabbed my interest the way Cataclysm has, but a lot of people like it. Huh. Apparently it’s not that old, though it goes for a Win95-era appearance.

      Cataclysm, for those who haven’t played it, is a very complex open source open-world roguelike. The modeling of a lot of things, as the game has grown over the years, has become remarkably sophisticated, from local weather systems to things like very extensive (realistic, not like Borderlands guns) gun modding, vehicle (land, sea, air) creation and modeling, farming, NPC camps, cybernetics, mutation, sound/smell/sight tracking enemies, martial arts including weapons forms, skills, proficiencies, various types of real-world (and supernatural) diseases and parasites, brewing, modeling of fires, modeling of pain, temperature…it’s a bit of an organically-grown mishmash, but it’s become a game with an enormous amount of mechanics, albeit a very graphically-simple one. I would definitely recommend it to someone with the time and willingness to explore the game’s systems, which is not for everyone. You can just download builds yourself, or there’s a commercial version on Steam, if you want to support the developers.

      • tal@lemmy.todayOP
        4 days ago

        Project Zomboid is very similar thematically to Cataclysm (zombie apocalypse, loot world for supplies to stay alive), but is far simpler in every respect, is real-time rather than turn-based, plays on handcrafted rather than procedurally-generated maps, has its zombie infections be incurable, and has combat that I really don’t like (though Project Zomboid also has a much gentler learning curve and a loveable raccoon mascot). I’m not sure if one could reasonably put it into the same genre. Maybe.

  • exocrinous@startrek.website
    3 days ago

    Terra Nil. It’s an anti city builder. Land in a polluted wasteland, clean the soil, plant seeds, set up ecosystems, make sure they can persist without you, and recycle all your structures before you leave. Appreciate the beauty of the natural ecosystem you restored as you fly away.

    I want more games like this.

  • Wahots@pawb.social
    4 days ago

    Pacific Drive is weird but really fun. It’s like DiRT meets CONTROL.

    I don’t think it needs another. It stands alone as a testament to an interesting game design that shouldn’t be watered down.

    I have yet to find another game that plays like Inscryption. It’s a deck builder, but wow, it has a story. Interestingly good game that I want more of.

    While Elite Dangerous is part of a genre, it is a rare game that is actually meant for lots of controller/J HOTAS methods and has shockingly deep gameplay. You can tell it was really meant for adept players, a rare style of games these days. I doubt we will see one like it for awhile, just due to the needs of consumers, the game engine, and the capital required to build a game of that size again.

    • Maestro@fedia.io
      3 days ago

      I personally though ED was quite shallow. Deeper than e.g. No Man’s Sky but still very “fake”. The economy is just a bunch of RNG, nothing real. I recently got into X4: Foundations which is much better IMHO. It really simulates the entire economy and production chains. You can carry out supply chain attacks on your enemies. It’s like a cross between ED and Stellaris.

  • tal@lemmy.todayOP
    4 days ago

    Maybe SimEarth.

    This simulates a tile-based planet map. Animals grow and evolve, and things like atmospheric concentration and other aspects like surface albedo can be altered. More a toy than a game. Had a lot of fun playing with the levers.

    1990 release – it’s still playable, though it’d feel pretty ancient and will not be very beautiful.

    I haven’t played SimLife or Spore, and there might be some similarities there.

    I’m not aware of anything else that’d be comparable.

    EDIT: Liquid War. This is open-source and part of the GNU project. One has a map with some areas closed off and some open space that liquid can flow through. There are two or more “blobs” of liquid of different color; each is attempting to destroy the other. Your blob is attracted to your mouse cursor. “Moving into” a pixel of the other color eventually converts it to your own. If two liquids meet in a bottleneck, they tend to stalemate. One wins by getting liquid on multiple sides of the opponent’s liquid, so that one can move one’s own liquid from multiple directions into it. Maybe a bit closer to a tech demo than a full-on game. I wouldn’t call it mind-blowing, but it is free and as far as I know unique, and I had fun with it.

    • Deconceptualist@lemm.ee
      3 days ago

      I almost forgot about SimEarth. For some reason I was allowed to play it in grade school computer lab. I wish they would remake it so I can recreate my sentient cephalopod uprising, except with graphics that aren’t complete ass.

      I never played SimLife. But no, Spore is really not like SimEarth at all. As the other person said, Spore is disappointingly shallow on all levels.

    • brsrklf@jlai.lu
      3 days ago

      I never went very far into SimEarth (I remember getting a bunch of maxis’s simstuff in the 90s, and not having the patience to really get into some of them back then).

      However, I did play Spore during its prime. It’s very shallow, on all levels. Don’t expect any kind of simulation in there, especially not physics or even basic biology and evolution really.

      Its whole gameplay loop : design a beast, eat or make friends, be a tribe, fight or make friends, design a town and vehicles, fight or make friends, design a spaceship, fight or make friends and try to reach the center of the galaxy because I don’t know.

      You can manipulate planet atmospheres in the space phase, but there are no variations : you can basically make planets “suitable” for life, and all life in the game needs the exact same parameters. There is zero room for experimentation and everything is basically just as efficient as everything else.

  • Dyskolos@lemmy.zip
    3 days ago

    “Giants: Citizen Kabuto”

    It was a hillarious mix of everything. Super funny characters/story, great telling, fps, rts, asymetrical… All being super casual. Still on gog and still a joy.


    Best blend of rpg/rts/Story. So far i never saw one coming close that gameplay.

  • missingno@fedia.io
    3 days ago

    I recently got hooked on Twinkle Star Sprites, a Neo Geo versus shmup. Chaining enemies on your screen sends attacks to the opponent’s screen. Those attacks can be bounced back, and reversing a reversal can create special attacks or even a boss summon. There’s a lot going on and it’s tragic that no spiritual successor ever tried to recreate this formula.

    It did get a JP-only PS2 sequel, but it looks to just be largely the same game, just with a different cast of characters and the lovely spritework replaced with a much worse low poly 3D.

  • Underwaterbob@lemm.ee
    4 days ago

    I love Space Harrier. There are a handful of other third-person, on-rails shooters (Sin and Punishment), but nothing recent that I’m aware of.

    Also, Bangai O on Nintendo DS is insanely fun. I can’t think of any other games where slowdown is a necessary mechanic.

    • missingno@fedia.io
      3 days ago

      I can’t think of any other games where slowdown is a necessary mechanic.

      It’s quite common in retro shmups, particularly bullet hells putting way too many sprites onscreen. Designers were always aware of it and intentionally balanced the difficulty around it, and some later games even include artificial slowdown just to preserve that feel.

      • Underwaterbob@lemm.ee
        3 days ago

        Ahh yes, definitely. I should have said that isn’t strictly a traditional shmup. Bangai O definitely has many elements of shmups, but the level design and many of the mechanics are quite unique to it.

    • tal@lemmy.todayOP
      4 days ago

      There are a handful of other third-person, on-rails shooters (Sin and Punishment), but nothing recent that I’m aware of.

      The original Rez isn’t recent, (though that’s a game that got a lot of acclaim for the aesthetics, mechanics aside). According to WP there’s apparently a new VR release; I think I remember seeing a video of it.


      Rez Infinite.

      Looks like it’s just a high-resolution VR remake, not a new game.

      If Nintendo’s done a new Star Fox release, I imagine that that’d qualify.


      Apparently yes, though the most-recent was Star Fox 2, which was eight years ago…a lot newer than Space Harrier, but no spring chicken.

      EDIT: Apparently there’s a Star Fox-alike game, Ex-Zodiac, on Steam. I’ve never heard of it before now, though.

      • vulgarcynic@sh.itjust.works
        3 days ago

        Ex-Zodiac is pretty decent as a tribute. There’s something missing in the presentation though. Opening steam and launching it while using an Xbox controller isnt quite the same vibe as dropping in a cartridge and being tethered to that soap bar brick of a SNES controller.

        As a tribute though, gameplay wise, it’s pretty good.

      • Underwaterbob@lemm.ee
        4 days ago

        Starfox never did it for me like Space Harrier. I’m not sure why. The primitive 3D maybe. Space Harrier creature design is just plain bizarre and intriguing.

        • tal@lemmy.todayOP
          4 days ago

          Ah, gotcha. It also looks like it was considered to be very difficult (though any game from that era is gonna generally be a lot harder than present-day games).

          I also remember a one-bit, not even polygon, but wireframe Star Wars third person rail shooter. It was on the early Mac, but I think it was a port from DOS or something.


          Oh, wow. Apparently, it was actually a color arcade game, Star Wars, from 1983, and I’d just only seen the black-and-white Mac port until today. I wonder if those are true vector-display graphics, like Tempest.


          Apparently yes. For the younger crowd, there was a point in time with CRTs where some video games actually plotted graphics on specialized CRTs by controlling the electron beam and plotting out the graphics with the point of the beam, kind of the way an old analog oscilloscope works. I bet that there have been antialiased remakes or clones of probably most of those vector-display games by now.

          EDIT: Oh, I lied. It was first-person, not third person. You did have to dodge obstacles, but you weren’t looking at your ship from behind.

          • Underwaterbob@lemm.ee
            4 days ago

            I actually played a bunch of that Star Wars vector arcade game at my local bowling alley. Yes, I am old…