Tetris is Russian propaganda that teaches children doing good work is pointless as it will just be taken away and you’ll be forced to do it again until you do it half assed.
Super Mario Bros promotes the consumption of psychedelics.
Satisfactory promotes a good work ethic, no problem here.
Streamlining and optimizing work, fixing technical debt and killing bugs. Yup, looks good
this, according to my teachers who hated me missing all that homework because of it
Pokémon taught children everywhere that if they enter strangers’ houses without warning, the strangers might randomly give them useful objects that help them in life.
See: every RPG ever.
The Sims. It’s an affront to God that a human gets to play God if they’re not a billionaire or religious Christian leader.
Spore. That game is another affront to God because it teaches the harmful idea that creatures can change through evolution, which goes against God because He created all creatures and they have never ever changed and obviously look the exact same as they did when he created the Earth 6k years ago.
Mortal Kombat on SNES. Hilary Clinton said it’s a super realistic violent video game and since then there has never been anything near as violent. That game is the most violent game to ever exist and there is nothing that will ever top it.
And finally, the worst game of all:
Remember, No Russian.
Your moral panic isn’t welcome here.
I think you’re missing a joke here.
Minecraft has subliminal woke propaganda (there are splashes that appear on the title screen, some of them being pro-LGBTQ+)
There is also a really huge proportion of Minecraft modders that are trans which may be because of the woke subliminal messaging
Diablo 3 had a rainbow in it somewhere, clearly woke garbage.
ironic given how transphobic and homophobic notch is.
Him selling it was probably the best thing to happen to Minecraft.
Imagine if JK Rolling didn’t just license Harry Potter, but actually sold the IP
Disco Elysium features communism and communists (bad) but also has a couple of homosexuals (a secret cabal of organized people dead-set on destroying the ideals of nuclear family) as characters. I’d suggest you guys avoid the game at all costs, it’s too dangerous.
Harvest Moon teaches that everybody can own land and live a good life self-sustainable off of his own work.
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist
Crash Bandicoot got me hooked on crystals
Final Fantasy
Definitely not Rust. Very wholesome game.
I can’t find that one story where a guy was having a lot of fun being kidnapped. They roleplayed for like an hour.
It was definitely the first persistent survival game that taught me I don’t have the time or energy for that genre.
carmageddon got a sequel a few years ago and nobody batted an eye. kinda makes you miss the old days.