Chloyster [she/her]

Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her)

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • tied with Outer Wilds

    I knew you were cool 😎

    Journey is also fantastic. I didn’t get to play it until it was on PS4 but I absolutely loved it. An extremely unique experience that had my jaw on the floor with how beautiful it looked. I feel like I should try that Sky MMO kind of game the studio made that just got launched for more platforms… Doubt it can live up to journey but who knows

  • Oh yeah I played a ton of re5 coop back in the day. Eventually you can unlock the “professional” difficulty and it’s wild. Basically 1 shot deaths and the revive meter goes down in less than a second. You have to be right next to your partner at all times if you want to be able to revive them before it’s game over…

    Still pushed through it and beat it though 😂

  • While I do agree the village opening is probably the best part of the game, there are still a good amount of set pieces that I think live up to that first part. The cabin, outside the castle, the swamp, the chainsaw sisters, the mines, the first regenerador part. Chapter 5 does lean a little too heavily into corridor shooter I agree. But I think the rest does a good job keeping things fresh

  • Agree on 5. I really hope the remake can do what the 4 remake did for the original. 5 is still to me one of the best coop games out there. While not a great horror game, they really nailed the multiplayer aspect. But, yeah, some moments and subjects in the game are… Yeah. 5 is a game that has not aged well, not due to it’s gameplay, but from the stuff surrounding it. I expect the remake to do a lot better in this regard and I’m crossing my fingers 🤞

  • I adore resident evil. Most mainline games in the series hold a special place in my heart, from the originals through all the remakes.

    However none hold a more special place to me than re4. I’m obviously not alone in adoring this game but dang, it’s really just so fucking good. Every friend I’ve been able to convince to play in the present day has been shocked at how well it holds up today. Sure the controls are kinda weird (they truly are just the tank controls of the OG’s but from an over the shoulder perspective), but it honestly works for the game. With the Re4hd mod that was in the works for many years finally out, the game looks great today too.

    Re4 was my favorite game of all time, and while I was excited for the remake, I didn’t really think the game had any shot at dethroning the original. But god damn it did. Somehow the remake surpassed my sky high expectations. It’s just really damn good. It somehow brings a 2 decade old game that aged majestically into the modern era even better. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the original and I still plan on playing it, but the remake is just superb. I couldn’t be more happy that I get two ridiculously amazing versions of my all time favorite.

    So yeah. Play re4. Game slaps. Also the other games are amazing. Except 6, i know some enjoy it, but it’s one of my personal most disliked games

  • It’s been a while since I played so idk if it’s been happening recently, but they have re-run the events a few times over in the past, but I just wish they’d make it a permanent thing. I get the point of it is to make it limited so it’s harder to look it up ahead of time, and you can’t save during it so you have to do it in one shot. It’s a glorified daily run in a rogue like game. Except instead of being randomly generated they actually created whole new scenarios around it with new voice acting and briefs and everything. Let them have their timed event where you have to do it in one shot, and give the people a trophy or something. But make the content available to play whenever you want after that…

  • Totally agree. Everything else aside, the fomo aspect of these games really irritate me. When destiny 2 completely ripped out their original campaign the game launched with I was baffled. Destiny’s moment to moment gameplay is bluntly, really damn good. The gun play feels great. But when you have to dedicate all your time to 1 game to get everything out of it? Nah, not for me. With stuff like halo infinite and helldivers, I do love that the battle pass which are normally timed things, are always available. You never get locked out of anything by not playing on a certain day, or month, or year.

    Don’t even get me started on the new hitman games and their elusive contracts. That’s the stuff that grind my gears. Game is great and fun. But you want to play these special missions we made? Well you better be on and playing during this 1 week, and then they’re never there again!

  • On the one hand, there is definitely a part of me that thinks it’s kinda neat that a f2p game with not super predatory monetization has gotten so much support for so many years. I’m well aware that around Lemmy people think any monetization is bad but tbh fortnite really doesn’t do it that bad. It’s all cosmetic, you can earn most of the currency by playing and advancing the battle pass. It’s not the worst example out there. The game is very accessible and can be totally free if you want it to be

    At the same time I have 0 interest in fortnite or any other live service game. I hate that live service games have a tendency to remove old content over time. Give me a live service game that’s fun, doesn’t have fomo, and isn’t predatory with micro transactions… I guess that’s kinda helldivers rn which I am enjoying but we’ll see how it shapes up as time goes on.

    Overall, it’s bleh news because it just reinforces companies continuing down this path of a model that encourages lost media and nickel and diming you for everything…