Surprised they dragged it out this long. He’s rich and white, did anyone think this was ever going anywhere else?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Alec Baldwin is guilty of at least negligence with a firearm, although I’d go for manslaughter.
Being an actor doesn’t absolve you of all responsibility. Anyone else who accidentally kills someone else get charged with manslaughter. The fact that the public doesn’t see this obvious fact proves the stranglehold the rich have on American ideals. In any other professional job if I killed someone accidentally, whether it be with a gun, a car, or my own two hands, I would expect to atleast get tried for it.
That and Mr Baldwin straight up LIED about how it even happened. He told a story of the gun firing itself that several firearms experts, including the agency that was investigating, all said is impossible on the model of firearm he had. Yet everyone believes he shouldn’t be charged.
If you had nothing to worry about, you wouldn’t lie. He lied because he knows he didn’t do his job.
I realize you hate the actor for whatever reason, but the fact of the matter is in the article you won’t read.
Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer dismissed the case on the third day of the trial, after learning that the prosecution had failed to turn over key evidence — a cache of bullets — to the defense. The judge blasted Morrissey’s handling of the case, calling it “so near to bad faith as to show signs of scorching.”
Yes Alex is the rela victim here lol
The prosecutor never wanted to prosecute and only did so due to public sentiment them proxeeds to botch the case…
This what corruption looks like folks.
Wonder if there’s been any money transfers to the prosecutor from the Baldwin family…
That’s not how corruption works in US but if there transfers, there would not be a trace.
Generally, treating an elite parasite “fairly” will expedite the career of the prosecutor
He gets to make a good name in the proper circles.
I was just wondering if the loss of reputation would prevent career progression, and therefore if money would have been needed for this kind of treatment.
Peasants will forget the prosecutors name. They don’t care about public perception eitherway. You get promoted by being a good servant to the regime.
They could give two fucks about what person class thinks with a few exceptions like luigi case.
Making powerful friends is the name of the game. Stepping on peasants is how you get ahead.
The prosecutor never wanted to prosecute because… some vague reason in your head?
I recommend spending time with your family the next couple of days.
Keeping you busy having to work on holidays?
What in the world are you talking about?
Are you a legit mental person?I do have this guy tagged for being completely incoherent from some other discussion before, so… maybe?
They spent like five solid hours doing nothing but arguing in this post, on xmas eve lol
Yes, every person who doesn’t share your opinions is “crazy”
Strong rhetoric chief!
Ok, you’re not making any sense at all so we’re done here.
What a shame.
Why do you feel like this is a shame?
Because rich people now know that if they midhandle a fire arm and kill a person, nothing will happen. They can blame some poorly paid wagie, they don’t have to accept any consequences for bad gross negligence
I mean he shot that woman and killed her as far as I know, are there more details I’m not aware of?
There are, yes. Unfortunately no one has written any articles about it, and multiple people haven’t gone to court over the situation either. It’s really too bad, it’s just a big black hole of information. The only thing all of us can do is simply read a headline and make emotional guesses as to what happened.
Ah. Ok. I mean, I’m of the opinion that he has every reason to believe he wasn’t going to shoot her when he pulled the trigger.
But I just wasn’t sure if you were misunderstanding the headline or if you were in the camp of punish everybody all the time.
That’s true, it sort of seems like negligent homicide to me.
I always thought that killing someone, even on accident, is against the law.
Personally, I just don’t think Baldwin is the one who deserves the charge. There were people on set responsible for ensuring his gun wasn’t loaded. Those people failed in their job.
But wasn’t Baldwin not even supposed to be shooting at the person he killed? If he had shot someone he was supposed to fire a blank at, I understand. Aren’t you supposed to practice gun safety even with replicas? Don’t point at anything you’re not willing to shoot?
He was following the directions of the director and everybody involved, including the woman who died, agreed to do the scene. She wasn’t just some random person on set, she was behind the camera because she was the director of photography.
If she didn’t feel the scene was safe to film, she had the right to say no to using a realistic prop. This is an obviously sad incident. But Manny people were found or pleaded guilty to the events. Baldwin just isn’t I’ve of them. Actors can’t be expected to be experts and have to defer to experts on set all the time.
Folks really wanted Baldwin’s balls over this because he was Trump on SNL. A large part of this while case was disguised political animus.
The armoror was sentenced awhile ago.
As she should been but that doesn’t resolve issue of alecs Liabit as the guy who didn’t murder and the guy in charge of the set.
These parasites love taking profit but they are never there to take any negative consequences
It was on a movie set where it is to be reasonably expected that the armorer will clear weapons to be safe on set and that actors aren’t expected to be firearms experts so that they are able to perform with them.
It should also be expected that said armorers do their job as expected and NOT shoot real ammo out of prop guns. And if they do, they’re expected to properly clear them; even though they never should in the first place.
But yeah, this was totally about Alec Baldwin the elite bourgeois flexing his real ultimate power of wealth and crushing the matter-nothing proletariat, the people have lost once again because he was not held accountable for someone else’s actions.
I’m all for eating the rich but let’s not just make shit up, that makes us look ridiculous.
A really cheesy way to put it but I generally agree. However I don’t think that Alec Baldwin pressured the prosecutor to back off, I think the prosecutor didn’t want the smoke from other entities like Baldwin’s managers or business partners, or Alec Baldwin’s fans
These parasite never get in trouble for anything
Literally can play with guns, kill a person and nothing happens.
Clown justice system and this is getting burried Christmas week with all Luigi drama.
Prosecutors are working for defense here?
Well they did a good job convincing the public that the person holding the gun isn’t responsible for what happens with said gun, considering the down votes. Happened last time I said he needs to be punished for what he did.
Gun safety is only important if you’re not rich/famous/ an actor
Responsibilityto handle guns safely is not something that can waived with an employment arrangement.
But Hollywood LARPers love their regime whores too much to give a fuck. I bet these are the same clowsn are who want “gun control”
Pathetic Caricatures of a citizen
No major gun incidents for decades in the film industry! Since Brendon lee. Alec made the first major fuckup since then and killed someone with a live round and Noone sees anything wrong with that.
I’m not saying other people didn’t fuck up and deserve punishment aka the armorer, but Alec also deserves to answer for it
Alec also deserves to answer for it
Exactly, but corruption within justice system prevented any accountability.
Another microcosm of how US regime operates.
Two tier justice system and plebs like it as is 🤡
So that’s that then
Money talks