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  • 71 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Nice meme.

    However, couldn’t also Eärendil be considered?

    Edit: found another possibility:

    Legolas is the geographically-closest “elf-prince” to Erebor, where the coat was found. But it’s made of mithril, and that can’t be found in Erebor.

    So it was probably forged in Moria. The mithril was definitely mined there. We don’t know exactly when, but we know Moria bordered not one, but two elf-kingdoms (Lorien and Eregion).

    Elrond was Gil-galad’s right hand elf, and probably could have claimed the title of high king after the Last Alliance, although he didn’t. He also lived in Eregion for a while, and met his wife in Lorien. He had two sons, both born well before Moria fell to the balrog.

    Conclusion: it was forged either for Elladan or Elrohir. They wore it, outgrew it, and gave it back to Durin’s folk, who then brought it with them into exile.

  • I’m a bit torn on this. I’m not a Samsung fan by any mean, but the hardware issues with the different Pixels (reception, overheating, etc.) and the Tensor ships vs Snapdragon make me reluctant to get one.

    S23 especially seems like a solid device, with better battery than S22, “compact” size and good chipset. Also not the biggest fan of supporting Google while they clearly lack vision on what they are doing with most of their products.

    GrapheneOS might be an option but I would prefer not having to tinker with the OS of a several hundreds euros phone.

    Seems like there is no ideal solution.