Her father is suing.
She has a nut allergy and ate baklava? Because someone told her it didn’t have nuts in it? IT’S MADE OF NUTS!!! Did she eat it with her eyes closed?
She didn’t have an epi pen? She didn’t go to the school nurse? Checked out of school and took a walk instead? What? What?
I don’t have allergies, so someone please help me make sense of this. How could a seventeen year old with nut allergies eat baklava and head to CVS for some Benadryl afterwards?
Isn’t that an unusually bad series of decisions? Darwin Award level? I mean, if it wasn’t this, she might have died trying to dry her hair in the microwave.
im more confused as to how a near-adult with a life-threatening allergy drove to a pharmacy instead of immediately dialing 911
If you call 911, and get in the ambulance, congrats, you are now billed $1k to $3k depending on where you are.
If you can make it to a drug store and buy benadryll, you’re out maybe $30 bucks.
Something like 60% of Americans cannot afford a $1000 emergency expense.
If you can make it to a drug store and buy benadryll, you’re out maybe $30 bucks.
unless youre dead and wont have to pay any bill
Welcome to the risk-reward calculation that over half of America has to make unexpectedly, without warning, while in extreme pain.
She was 17.
Fuck you.
dude if i have a life threatening allergy, the ‘bill’ is irrelevant. ive actually had to make this decision.
fuck you
I have a life-threatening shellfish allergy and only have epipens that expired in 2016 due to cost, so ymmv ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and if you had an emergency nowhere near your epis, you’d just go ahead and risk death just in case there was a big bill comin’ your way?
thats the decision everyone is glossin over here… death or bill
I think that under reacting to situations like this is human nature. As an adult, I would definitely call 911 and deal with the repercussions after. As a child and teenager, my parents definitely just made me shotgun Benadryl and hopes for the best. I think judging a 17 year old based off of what most sober and rational adults would do isn’t fair.
Humans are terrible at estimating risk. 17 year old humans generally more so.
I’ve made baklava a lot in my life, even baklava ice cream. I never expected this amount of heated conversation about it 😬 This is something I am accustomed to, but I could see someone new to it not really understanding that these chopped up nuts that have been baked in a syrup are, in fact, nuts. Very unfortunate.
I agree! I love baklava. If someone never eats nuts, I can totally understand how they could eat baklava for the first time and not realize the “crunchy stuff” is made from nuts. They simply don’t have the experience to know what the taste and texture of nuts in syrup inside a flaky layered dessert like baklava are going to be like. The nuts are chopped up pretty small.
People are so quick to victim blame.
Ya, I live in the US (like this person), and there aren’t a lot of foods like this here. Nuts are usually a topper or entire, or are part of the name.
So, she was 17. 17 can be super smart in many ways, and sometimes a peak of certain types of creative genius. On the other hand, despite how worldly 17 can feel, most 17 year olds are missing a lot of wisdom you gain only through experience. So I cut her a lot of slack, and “dead” is a pretty serious consequence.
That said, if I’d lived for any number of years with an allergy that would absolutely be fatal without rapid response, even at 17 I would have been extremely cautious about what prepared products I put in my mouth. And I echo another comment: she had a sever but allergy and no Epipen? Were her parents utterly incompetent? I would make sure that’s the one thing she always had with her, and drill into her the consequences. You do not. Fuck. With. Nut. Allergies.
Maybe she developed it late; maybe it had never been a severe reaction before. There are a lot of reasons why this could have gone so wrong without stupidity being involved. But, damn. Food allergies can be really bad, and it seems like someone really fucked up here.
The family is probably left with crippling medical debt and needs someone to sue to get out of it.
This story is not just a tragic story about allergies, it is a story about the ongoing crime that is US for-profit healthcare.
I don’t think I knew baklava had nuts in it back when I was 17.
An epi-pen costs $750. The nurse would have called an ambulance, and an ambulance ride and ER visit is going to be about $5000. Trying to avoid that kind of debt is not unreasonable.
She didn’t suffer from a nut allergy. She suffered from untreated Luigi-deficiency.
She didn’t suffer from a nut allergy. She suffered from untreated Luigi-deficiency.
A man collapsed at a restaurant that my sister worked at. Paramedics came to transport him but he was adamant that they leave. Ten minutes later he collapsed again, but this time he died.
Did you seriously make a post just to bad-mouth a kid who died?
You’re a piece of work.
Not saying that this is why she decided on that sequence of events, but speaking as a former teenager who was dumb and awkward, I made lots of bone headed decisions too.
Of the things I can think of off the top of my head I almost died twice from exceptionally poor judgment at a bad time. I could have been a headline a decade ago just like this one. You only have to be unlucky once.
Teen death, perfect casual conversation material