old, stupid

  • 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • im not defending meta. im not anything meta. i dont give a shit about them to the point im baffled anyone would care to block them by wasting the energy.

    i dont block nestle.com. i dont block a lot of stupid shit because its just not worth it.

    and not that i should have to explain myself, but someone needs to help people off the big blue teet. you cant assist in saving folks from that walled garden if you cant communicate with them. theres finally an avenue where people can migrate somewhere else and maybe stay in touch with their family.

    the world is not as black and white as all you children seem to think.

  • i agree. at worst, its just traffic volume and moderation issues. just like every other big instance.

    theres zero danger of meta extinguishing the protocol. the whole EEE comparison needs to end. the only way would be for the verse to capitulate to the threads server to allow some bell/whistle bastardization of the AP protocol, and no one is going to do that. even the meta friendly instances would sooner defederate than adopt some meta-specific thing.

    too bad that doesnt stop the meta-hate boner across the verse.

  • as a sysadmin, ive useed systems like dells proprietary version of this for decades.

    its a ‘wake on lan’ feature of the network card, which still gets power and ‘listens’ over the network when it gets an appropriate signal, it then triggers the machine to boot. the lan provides the power to run the ‘monitor’.

    very common, very old. and i agree similar… but not quite what this phone thing is.

    some computers/servers need a dynamic power state, but even so the WOL feature can be removed.

    we are no longer in control of our phones hardware, so we cant just remove things.