A group of Muslim leaders in swing states are rightly using their electoral power with the #AbandonBiden campaign. They are not so frightened of a Trump presidency that they have allowed themselves to vote for the man who through his proxy Israel has killed some 24,000 people in Gaza and despite phony claims of “working behind the scenes” shows no inclination to change policy and save lives.

  • amigan@lemmy.dynatron.me
    8 months ago

    Idiots. Idealism is fine when it doesn’t endanger any and all future chances of actual progress. “Not being worried” about Trump makes clear that these people are whiny babies who can’t possibly come up with a real solution or demand.

    • raccoona_nongrata@beehaw.org
      8 months ago

      What chance of progress though? We got Trump precisely as a result of the “lesser of two evils” strategy. We lost RvW thanks to the spineless inaction of democrats who thought they could keep “Schrodingers abortion rights” as a way of driving their base to the polls through fear. Obama had a chance to codify abortion rights, he declined, seeing it as too useful a political leash for democratic voters.

      Voting for “imperfect” Democrats has not done anything to stop the slide towards fascism. Why are you placing responsibility on these voters and not Biden, who clearly should step down but continues on out of hubris?

      Biden will be responsible for losing this election, no one else. This is the terminal result of thinking neoliberalism is fit to counter fascism. Democrats need to change their strategy now. Not in a generation, not “when the time is right”.

      If Biden actually wanted these Arab-American votes he and democrats start publically pressuring Israel for a cease-fire and would do things like ban members of the party from taking AIPAC money. He would defend his own party members when Israel vows to spend millions to unseat progressive members in their re-elections because they criticized Israel, even if it means putting a republican in their place.

      No, the idiots are the ones still thinking this strategy that has failed for decades, will work if we just “don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” one last time. It has never, ever worked. Biden’s appeal is in the toilet because of Biden.

      • amigan@lemmy.dynatron.me
        8 months ago

        Run the candidate, then you can say these things without merely bloviating. I don’t see anyone running against Biden who isn’t a complete looney tune with zero chance of defeating the very real threat of fascism that again darkens our doorstep. I know it feels good to post the wall of text about how we need an alternative, but absent an alternative, complaining and refusing to participate helps nobody but the fascists.

        • raccoona_nongrata@beehaw.org
          8 months ago

          Perhaps that’s because the DNC literally canceled the primaries in many states? Perhaps it’s because neoliberal corporate media does not run any kind of coverage of alternatives?

          And you don’t get to make the “They wouldn’t stand a chance” argument when Biden is polling less favorably than a 90-something count felon. That argument is done, stop trying to use it.

          No. It’s time to stop this bullshit and admit the DNC needs to fundementally change. Your strategy has failed. Utterly.

            • raccoona_nongrata@beehaw.org
              8 months ago

              That’s because you refuse to listen.

              We’ve done the strategy you’re proposing decades. It has failed completely. It doesn’t work.

              • amigan@lemmy.dynatron.me
                8 months ago

                Refuse to listen to what? What if I agree with what you say? You saying it changes nothing. It is a stupid, strategic misstep where we all lose because all it succeeds in doing is to get people to stay home.

                • raccoona_nongrata@beehaw.org
                  8 months ago

                  Where did I advocate staying home? I’m saying you need to start placing the blame where it actually belongs and treating people like Biden as a threat to democracy, not a strategic stop gap. You should not be carrying water for him and blaming these minorities who have been given literally zero reason to vote for Biden. He has abandoned them in favor of helping fund a genocide, it is entirely rational for them to withold their vote as that is the only choice he has left them with.

                  Arab-Americans have already lost, why the fuck would they come out to vote for Biden? Because you blame them for his lack of appeal and call them idiots? Good luck with that.

                  • amigan@lemmy.dynatron.me
                    8 months ago

                    Because not presenting a unified front is how you actually lose. Feeding into the apathy that (if you are to be believed) already exists, is going to help guarantee the worst possible outcome, not instantly transform the political landscape shitshow into your utopia. It’s going to be February of the election year and nobody else has emerged, neither DNC nor third party. What the hell are you or anyone else going to do about this that won’t simply throw the match and let the fascists win?

    • jarfil@beehaw.org
      8 months ago

      Trump has been a friend to Saudi Arabia, selling them tons of weapons to fight against Yemen and protect themselves from Iran.

      Biden has paused sales to Saudi Arabia, and instead had the US attack Yemen directly.

      I’m not surprised that both pro-SA and pro-Yemen/Iran Arab-American voters would be against Biden; from that point of view, Trump selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and having them kill each other, was a smarter, albeit more cruel, move.