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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Just like the “tesla hyperloop” or whatever they’re calling it, it’s not about innovation. It’s about keeping his brands in the public eye as a form of marketing. Even if on a logical level we all know it’s horseshit, it still keeps himself and Tesla salient.

    He can afford to burn an incomprehensible amount of money on stunts for outcomes most people would consider inconsequential.

    I’m not saying it’s 4D chess, it definitely isn’t. He’s not particularly intelligent in that way. That said, I do think there are some very simple reasons for him to do this that go beyond his absolutely insane delusional ego.

    He has enough money that he can continue funding whatever he wants regardless of public opinion. He literally exists at a level where any press is good press as it keeps him fresh in peoples’ minds.

  • Per this comment on HN, you don’t even need regedit. It’s a simple toggle in the settings menu, and one that should pop out as something to always disable to anyone with a few braincells to rub together.

    Settings > Privacy > General > “Show me suggested content in the Settings app”

    Switch it off and you won’t get the nags. Why in the absolute fuck would you ever want to leave that turned on anyway?

    I understand that you shouldn’t have to go digging for a setting to stop this, but I am just absolutely flabbergasted at how much complaining people do about this shit when it’s so easy to switch off and bypass.

    I swear, too many people have gotten too used to never having to read a manual or scroll through settings before they could properly use their shit. This is so absurdly easy to switch off that it isn’t funny.

    I’m all for using Linux, but there’s way too much complaining about how shitty Windows is when people aren’t willing to put any effort into trying to fix the issues themselves. I haven’t had any of the issues I see people constantly complaining about in years, because I took the time to configure it right.

  • It’s still not your hardware, so you can’t rely on the data being private to you even if the connection is secure.

    Then there’s going to be all the politics present with the location of whatever endpoint you connect to, issues of uptime and availability, etc.

    It’s a matter of the threat model you’re concerned about, but this does not fill me with confidence if this is considered a “breakthrough solution”. There’s nothing quite like a half assed solution to kneecap work on a “proper” one.

  • Wow, that’s certainly a take. How are they worse than Sony or fucking Microsoft? Microsoft was under IRS investigation at one point. They dragged thing out resulting in multiple millions of taxpayer money being wasted, ruined the professional careers of the lead names on the investigation, bribed politicians to cut so much funding from the IRS that another investigation of that scale is simply not possible, and bribed other politicians to sway laws in their favor to help make what they were investigated for much harder to pursue charges on.

    Do you have any substantive shit that the other big names aren’t guilty of as well? I’d love to hear it!

    • Shattered Pixel Dungeon
    • Project Zomboid
    • Vampire Survivors
    • Rimworld
    • Metal Gear Solid V (on PC with mods that greatly expand/enhance free roam, and add more side ops)
    • Tomba 1 and 2 (Tombi in the EU)
    • Chrono Trigger
    • Megaman Legends (love the sequel, but haven’t ever completed it, life keeps getting in the way)
    • Castlevania Syphony of the Night
    • Sonic Adventure (it’s trash, but fun trash, especially with mods)
    • Sonic Mania, Sonic 3 and Knuckles
    • Minecraft

    Some that I haven’t come back to in a while, but I’m overdue:

    • Ape Escape
    • Crash Bandicoot (1-3)
    • Spyro (1-3)
    • Digimon World 3
    • Any of the GBA or DS Castlevanias
    • Actraiser
    • Rayman 2
    • Megaman Battle Network series(3 and 4 are my favorite entries)
    • Dissidia Duodecim
    • Zone of the Enders 2
    • God Hand
    • Wipeout Pulse/Pure
    • Pretty much any Kirby game

    Most of these games I find just plain fun. Thanks for asking, I was starting to get burned out and not finding stuff as fun, but writing this out has me hankering to revisit some old favorites again.

  • The community really didn’t seem that upset about things when this originally broke, and team 0% told people to not go after the level maker, but here we fucking go anyway. I’m afraid all these clickbait headlines are going to bring down a stupid, unwarranted shitstorm on the poor guy who made the level.

    He made it as a farewell gift to the Super Mario Maker community after making a bunch of other super hard levels that people regularly accused of being TAS’d (cheated) but weren’t, as proven when someone would eventually beat it.

    Trimming the herbs was meant as a proof of concept joke to show that TAS’ing was possible on Switch hardware. He was planning on revealing it far far earlier, but life happened, he forgot, and left the scene. He didn’t realize that it might become the final boss of this shit. As soon as he realized he reached out to team 0%.

    This isn’t some scandal with some nefarious evildoer “coming clean”. Just an unfortunate joke that hit the wrong place wrong time. This isn’t bittersweet. It just means they hit the goal earlier than expected.

    I swear drama chasers are going to make this into a problem that doesn’t need to be, and doesn’t seem to be a problem for the actual people involved.

  • Lego Island was one of my first PC games, and I spent absolute ages in it. Still have my CD. As an adult I find it a little too zany and wacky for an in-depth revisit, but as a young imaginative ADHD boy it was an amazing little sandbox to run around in. So many different ways to interact with things, ways to customize your island through different characters changing stuff when you clicked on it, and just enough mysterious things to keep the imagination going.

    I’m looking forward to the decomp that MattKC is working on for it.

    Outside of that, I played a TON of the old flash and shockwave games on the Lego website. I felt so cool knowing extra lore around the mask of light movie because I had been playing the Bionicle flash game. They also had a lot of neat puzzle games.

    The concept of the programmable Spybots, and the K’Nex programmable kit really jump started my interest in programming as a kid too.

  • Technically, we’ve never owned our games. Even cartridges are meant to be a license to the game. This is one of the many bullshit defenses that games manufacturers use to go after people making tools to dump carts to files and people who develop emulators.

    It’s the same argument used by companies against DVD or BluRay ripping.

    I get that physical gave us a lot more control over our purchases than digital, and subscription services have degraded that control even further, but I’m tired of everyone framing this as an ownership issue. At best it’s an access and control issue. The whole “you’re just licensing it” problem has been present for decades.

  • Most likely. There’s at least one youtuber who has made a career of extreme speculating over shit like this.

    There’s an unfortunate history of people doing data mining on valve games, then other people seeing the fairly banal stuff that was found and blowing shit way out of proportion.

    If I’m remember my shit right on how these “leaks” almost always work… data miners found evidence that Valve has a project labeled ‘hlx’ in their content management system because someone forgot to clean up some basic internal logging files from it before they pushed a package out as a game update.

    I’m pretty sure this “hlx” project has been seen in these files when they forget to delete them as far back as before Alyx was announced, and that there was some evidence that it was just a testing branch they used for experimenting with new engine features using Half Life resources as handy testing tools.

    That said, huge grain of salt. It’s been ages since I stopped following this shit.