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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Intellectually I know it’s fine. I know there’s plenty of time to complete the game. I just can’t stand a ticking clock counting down, constantly. It makes me anxious and completely ruins my enjoyment of the game. I also have this problem with Stardew Valley where I constantly feel like there’s not enough time and I’m being pulled in several directions at once and I can’t focus on anything. It’s a nightmare.

  • See the posts column in this screenshot for context:

    That testimonial community at the top is the only spamming one as far as I can immediately tell. Every user is able to easily block that community with two clicks. I’m personally not inclined to defederate from an instance without multiple communities/whole instances dedicated to spamming, tons of bots, rampant and/or admin-sanctioned bigotry, rampant trolling, illegal content (that the admins already defederate automatically on their own), or something causing an existential crisis within lemmy (like threads). I don’t think lemmy.staphup.nl qualifies on spamming. If I were admin of that instance, I’d definitely ban the testimonial community though.