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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • “You can’t sue us for making opiods ‘too pleasurable’, say major drug manufacturers in response to addiction lawsuits.”

    The reality is that it comes down to motive. In the case of the Sackler family, lawsuits showed that they were effectively trying to get people addicted to their opiods. They lied about them, claiming they weren’t addictive. They tried to push doctors to prescribe them for everything from sports injuries to arthritis, not just for ultra-serious pains like from cancer. They were rewarding doctors for prescribing them, even when it was obvious those doctors were just selling drugs to addicted patients. They especially liked to try to talk to doctors who were not pain specialists. Sales reps were trained in how to overcome objections from doctors, like saying “The delivery system is believed to reduce the abuse liability of the drug”, even though they knew that wasn’t true. They gave doctors all-expenses paid junkets to Boca Raton, Florida to attend seminars on OxyContin.

    If a developer ends up making a really good game that keeps you wanting more, that’s one thing. But, if you have internal messages from that developer talking about how they can hack dopamine releases and keep people coming back, that’s another thing. If internal messages are about the “whales” and how to get them to cough up the most money, that’s yet another one. If someone leaks internal memos where employees are laughing at idiots who are ruined after spending all their money on loot boxes, that’s even worse.

    IMO, the developers who really need to be sued are the ones developing gambling machines. They seem ultra-optimized for addiction, and to extract as much possible cash from the victim. It’s amazing that that kind of thing is legal, but as long as it’s legal, it needs to be heavily regulated so that gamblers are actually having a good time, not that they’re simply being slowly drained of their blood.

  • That’s what we have now

    Which, I think most people agree, sucks.

    this would give them an option to target a different demographic

    They already have that option. They could stream on cam sites dedicated to adult content if they wanted to do adult content. They don’t do that because they want to reach Twitch viewers not porn viewers. But, they know they get more attention from the Twitch viewers if they’re doing nearly-porn.

  • I don’t know much about it, but I read something about epic paying for “minimums”, so it sounds like they pay a flat fee up to a certain number of “sales”, then pay per-unit (or at least pay more) beyond that. But, like you said, more “free” games claimed is more units shifted, so publishers will expect higher fees, even if it’s a flat fee.

  • I think you should grab the free games.

    Epic still has to pay the publisher whenever they give away a game. So, every time you grab a free game, the publisher gets money and Epic loses money. Right now they’re losing hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

    As long as you can limit yourself to only the free games, every free game you get causes Epic to lose money and gives money to some random publisher. I grab the free weekly game every week. I’ve never played any of them. But, if there’s a really good one I haven’t played, I might do that. The key thing is that each week I cost Epic some money.

  • Simplify: Don’t use Facebook.

    I haven’t used it in… maybe a decade. I don’t even remember the last time. I never used Instagram. I never used Facebook Messenger.

    People are scared about what might happen if they stop, but nothing bad ever happened. I simply stopped seeing a constant stream of depressing bullshit.

  • It underutilizes the pinky, and it’s not the home keys.

    ESDF still lets you reach tab, caps lock, shift, ctrl and alt, but opens it up so your pinky can also use Q, A and Z. With WASD your pinky can only really hit the “big keys”. Everything else can just get shifted over by one. Plus, if you’re a touch typist your fingers are already good at finding the home keys so your ring finger is already used to being on “S”. That means if you have to stretch to hit a special key, it’s easier to get back to the right keys. Plus many keyboards have a nub on F and J so you can find them / verify you’re on the right keys by touch.

  • If our main sensory organs were sound-based or feel-based, we’d probably have discovered a lot of things before planets and stars.

    The things that took a while to discover on earth, or that aren’t yet fully explored, are largely because it’s hard to see them without getting very close, which can be hard.

    Building a good telescope might have been hard, but with a telescope you can see things that are millions of km away. But, because of the earth’s curvature, you can’t see Antarctica until you’re practically next to Antarctica. You can’t see the bottom of the ocean until you travel to the bottom of the ocean, or at least until you scan it with sound waves which are then converted into something you can see.

    Imagine an alien that developed in the water on a planet with sub-surface oceans with ice on top. No real value for eyes, so they’re sound / touch based. Picture what it would be like to try to explore the solar system. There’s a boundary layer at the top of their “atmosphere” (the top of the ocean) that’s solid (ice), beyond that there’s some non-liquid extremely sparse stuff, until some point where no sound travels at all and there’s nothing to touch.