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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • When I say US citizens put out 13 tonnes per capita of CO2 a lot of folks have no ideawhatt that means. Is that a lot?

    The answer is yes. The US is essentially sticking about 5 billion of these into the air every year, and they dont come down…

    CO2 looks clear to our eyes but is opaque in infrared, meaning last year humans blanketed the sky with 35 billion of these heat absorbing gas baloons, that will never come down in our lifetime, but willl make our world hotter.

    The few hundred billion we’ve already put up there is already leading to starvation in poor countries and mass bleaching of coral reefs and disruptions inoceans flows our ocean eco system depends on, oceans… You know, a huge source of food.

    So were merrilly marching into a never ending dust bowl that according to the fossil record will terminate with an ice age that will last millions of years.

    It’ll be great explaining to your kids how cars and cruises and sugary bubble soda was worth sending them into never ending wars for food.

  • I also suspect a big incentive for keeping car infrastructure ona federal level is roads and car manufacturing are just manufacturing supply chains and logistica that can be switched to weapons manufacturing.

    The largest car manufacturers became the behemoths they are due to WWII. After the war was over it seemed good to keep the jobs , skilled labor and factories going.

    Highways were also specifically built for military maneuvering.

    That said, public transport is way more efficient and makes communities safer, happier and more economically productive. I say we can have both. And the military will be less necessary if consumption is scaled back. But then the billionaires will have to pay more taxes because poor people wont be spending their retirement investments on cars so they can be more employable.
