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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 1st, 2024


  • Homie is a nice European guy who dabbles in software as I do. We met in the software (which I won’t name because its community is very small). There are currently issues with its VR driver integration on Linux, so I played in desktop mode while he fondled my cute little avatar. There is a concept of “phantom sense” which some people experience. Different social VR clients have different degrees of sophistication in different areas. Some clients give you hand collision but no arm IK, some both, some neither. I wasn’t using the actual VR part, so I stood there and talked to him while he had fun with me, similar to sex with a quadriplegic. :P

  • Friends with benefits and romance. Ideally, I’d like openly queer and kinky partners who are openly queer and kinky everywhere and don’t try to hide it, and for those relationships to last, and if they don’t I need valid reasons why not. Maybe even marriage one day.

    In terms of Recon being intense, I very much need that BDSM dynamic. I don’t have to call him “master” when we’re at a coffee shop because that might be weird for the other guests, but I’ve been a part of the kink scene for a while and see no reason to hide it. 19 can be too young depending on their level of experience. I dated a 19-year-old transgirl a few years ago who was more mature than I am now. Of course, the hillbilly community college crowd has a mental age of about 10. It’s hell here.

    I don’t mean to complain. I very much want a hardcore sadist partner or two who participate in the community, and if 10% of the population fits the description then everyone I know is playing coy.

  • No real fun in the past few months, but I’ve been having interesting conversations with my queer acquaintances. A surprising number of people are ace. Celibacy makes me sad, and I’m starting to see the point of stuff like Grindr/Scruff/Recon. The trouble is that I’d really like to bottom for younger boys, and at the same time I need the emotional/sexual security that comes with a long-term relationship. So many people have never even done anal and are only “queer” in the sense of bicurious or whatever. I’m 31, I’m past that shit, and I’m seriously not happy in my own skin and need that external stimulus to get past my own complexes, and it’s damaging to be alone for too long for real.

  • I made a thread a couple weeks after dazedandconfused stopped posting, but nobody replied. I’ll share my week.

    Friday - went to a BDSM meeting. Met a woman 20 years older than me whose son shares my name. Could be a kinky time at some point in the future. Tuesday - went to an LGBTQ meeting and finally had an open conversation about actual sexual topics. This group took some warming up. Not sure if any boys want to date me, but we’ll see.