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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Had to reset my password to get my student financial aid payments and Aidvantage’s systems are apparently garbage so it too literally DAYS for me to get my reset email. That was just one bullshit step I had to take in order to try and finish my taxes.

    The government should know all that info anyways, so why do I need to provide it exactly? Because TurboTax, H&R Block, etc. have lobbied to make our taxes a pain in the ass in the hopes that more people pay to use their shitty proprietary software.

    In civilized countries, they just sent you a form, you check it, and send it back. Done.

    In the Greatest Country on Earth, it’s a confusing shitshow where you have to chase down all the information and if you get anything wrong it can ruin your life.

    Fucking infuriating dystopian bullshit.