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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Toribor@corndog.socialtoTechnology@beehaw.orgLow tech DHCP
    26 days ago

    I want to criticize this but I have multiple production environments with no DHCP and the process for provisioning new servers is basically “Guess an ipv4 address and if you pick one that’s already in use the build will fail and you can guess again.”

    This is arguably better which is a little embarrassing.

  • I sort of feel like it’s correctly-rated. It’s a serviceable third person cover shooter with an interesting setting and some great visuals. The reveal of “you’re the real monster here” has a good amount of impact but it’s hard to totally land that message when the game offers no alternative.

    The main problem was that all that was a bit of a pleasant surprise. The good parts of the game were sort of hidden behind the disguise of a generic military shooter. The box art couldn’t possibly be more boring. It sold very poorly and gained momentum later for being actually good.

    It’s a bummer to see it leave Steam knowing that less access to it will mean less people get to check it out.