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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2024

  • It’s astonishing to see the blatant anti-climate change comments here. Sure it’s stupid to sue, but she’s just been vilified by the GOP conspiracy theorists, is probably getting thousands of death threads by the crazies, so a little security worry isn’t completely unsurprising.

    So hey, lets pick up this disgusting FOX news propaganda about her jet and project all the climate woes onto this women! I can’t believe how well this shit worked!

    How about you put the carbon costs for her jet onto the consumer: Every single climate monster going to Taylor Swifts concert is ultimately the consumer for the CO2 released by her jet. I mean there are thousands of them!

    Do people even know the impact her private jet has? Presumably she’s also not flying alone but with her entourage. There are also new jet designs that are much less polluting, but our economy isn’t working towards that, it’s just maximizing profit and greenwashing. But hey, lets shit on Taylor Swift!

    If you want to argue that all music concerts are evil, then do that. Stop listening to music made by the music-industrial complex.

    The last despicable thing here is that it spreads the propaganda that climate change is a problem of individual behavior. It’s not. Only a plan on a global level to transform our economy could have stopped it. But guess what, we’ve already not done it. And we’re not gonna because of propaganda like this. So congratulations.

    The level of stupidity really baffles me.

  • I have the hope that fundamentally, any super-intelligent mind will find humanity interesting. At least more interesting than lifeless rocks or nature without humans. Curiosity is a fundamental trait for intelligence, and no matter how big an AGI gets, a whole planet full of dumb humans doing all sort of crazy stuff would still be more interesting. Basically, who would want to be all alone in the universe? Isn’t a diverse, freely developing civilization the perfect daytime soap?

    But that all depends of course, an AGI that is “programmed” with capitalism and profit maximizing as it’s root tenet is basically doomed to be a paperclip maximizer. We can only hope that it’s smart enough to see the folly in this. Theoretically it should be.