Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Others have mentioned Elder Scrolls, but nobody recommended Daggerfall yet, so it’s one of my picks. Yes, the 1996 game, which you can play on Unity for a much, much better experience overall. Since the game is free, you don’t need to pay a thing. Combat won’t feel good, tho.

    If you enjoy space games, X3 Albion Prelude might be a good option. It’s “open world” in that you can go anywhere right from the start, but the main gist of the game is to get rich so you can get the capital ships. Ship to ship combat is fine, each ship class has strengths and weaknesses. It has a learning curve and can feel needlessly convoluted at times

    Kingdoms of Amalur isn’t really open world, but its combat is awesome. Get the original, non-remastered version, and it should run on your stronger PC, hopefully.

  • but in the past you needed to log in to your phone at least once a month for the web session to keep working. Is it that still the case?

    Yes, unfortunately. From my limited experience trying to get it off a smartphone, leaving the number on a dumb phone and trying to activate on a sim-less smartphone, it simply won’t work if doesn’t detect a mobile number in its host Android

    It doesn’t use servers to keep messages, so when you first access from outside the “original device”, it downloads the last few received messages of every conversation still in your phone, but rarely everything.

  • the tone around the (Microsoft-Actiblizzard) merger was largely dominated by vocally supportive Xbox players and commentators

    Excuse me, what? I guess my social bubble is thick as fuck, because I didn’t see a single person supporting that megacorp scale merger.

    These two concurrent pushes (of marketing good vibes image) resulted in a landscape that was, at best, reluctant to discuss the potential harm of its acquisitions and, at worst, actively rejected it because Xbox’s “good guy” image and messaging had so thoroughly seeped into the foundations of shared community spaces and broader gaming consciousness

    Feels like a load of bullshit, then again I don’t even know where the cool kids hang out, so it could be me.

    The superficial artifice of Xbox’s brand permeates every corner of video game marketing. It’s an endless parade of phrases that don’t quite mean anything and campaigns designed to romanticise and humanise the company’s seemingly bottomless appetite for growth at all costs.

    I guess this is why I didn’t buy into the previous paragraphs, I just assumed people were “too smart” to fall for so much corporate bullshit.

    Microsoft closed the day with a $3 trillion valuation for the first time in the company’s history.

    3 trillion with roughly 20k employees now. I wonder how much of that value is assigned to its workforce, like “of the 3 trillion our company’s worth, our workers are worth 100 billion” or something.