New year. Reflection time.

In the past half year (6 months) how much have you played with your Steamdeck?

You can compare it to your main PC/Mac or against your deck playtime of the first part of the year. Just comparison more or less. I want discussion going on.

I’m interested because I found myself to be a tiny bit deck fatigued and only in December have fun with Brotato. Otherwise I’m like 100h initial climax compared to 30h current one.

    6 months ago

    Before getting the Deck, I pretty much gave up on gaming because I started working fulltime remotely and I didn’t want to just continue sitting on the same desk after work and continue gaming there. It’s bad for my physical and mental health.

    Since getting my OLED end of November, I’ve been playing an average of 3h per day despite fulltime work and spending holidays with family and friends… oops :D I think it will definitely go down once the honeymoon phase is over, but its impact is already made. Through it I’ve found a new way to fit an old hobby back into my life.
    I’m also using it to watch stuff on TV in docked mode. The portable format is just perfect for it.

    6 months ago

    I use mine on the train to and from school, and on some flights, but was nowhere near my pc playtime according to the steam replay 2023. I hit about 150 hours per two weeks frequently there, and the steam deck is more like 18 hours.

    I’ve actually been using it as my primary pc while overseas in china, too.

    6 months ago

    I’m definitely still in a honeymoon phase with my OLED Deck, my first. My poor ps5 would have started collecting dust if it weren’t for how amazing Chiaki is.

    I’ve used Mac for work, and Sony, Nintendo for gaming since forever, so deck is my first gateway into a lot of classic PC/Microsoft gaming history. By all rights, Deck is now my dedicated retro handheld and it’s nearly perfect for it (limited PS3). Right now I’m playing Star Wars: Dark Forces on the force Engine with the intention to play through the series. I have Daggerfall Unity installed as well, and I will be able to play Morrowind and Oblivion for the first time. Same same goes for the Halo series.

    I can also finally play some games online with friends who don’t appreciate consoles as much as I do.

    I’ll keep adding newer Games to my PlayStation library on PS5, but deck gives me access to a lot of PC ports to older console games I loved as well. I can repurchase them on the cheap and have them back in my library with deck.

    6 months ago

    1% of my gaming time but it’s hooked up to my TV and I use it as a mobile pc media center.

  • Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzM
    6 months ago

    Almost exclusively use mine for games. There are a few games like Deep Rock that I only really enjoy with a mouse, but everything else is Steam Deck only now.

  • Björn
    6 months ago

    I’m bedridden, so it’s my primary gaming device. But I got a new table for my laptop so that has taken up video playing duties which previously were done by the Deck.

    6 months ago

    Over the last 6 months I have played my steamdeck more than my desktop. As a dad of young children, my weekday gaming in done on my deck after my kids go to bed. Then on the weekends, I game on my desktop in the basement with my buddies from college.

    In the last month I have spent more time working on learning some new skills and reading books instead of gaming during the weekdays. This has taken the place of my normal deck gaming time. I will probably go back to adding in some gaming in a few months. That will all be on my deck.

    6 months ago

    When I first got my Deck, I was playing a lot on it. I then kinda transitioned back into PC gaming for a while and that continued into the beginning of 2023. However, I started gaming a lot more on the Deck in the past few months. I’ve mostly been working through some of the indie or older games that are in my backlog. Right now, I only really play on PC when I am playing my primary multiplayer games that don’t run (or run poorly) on the Deck.

    6 months ago

    The timing actually bit me in the ass, as I got my SD only a few months before building a new 4k 120hz rig and TV update.

    It gets its use more casual, quick gaming. When it is 930 PM I don’t want to take over my living room to game for an hour before I have to go to bed. So I pop on Shovel Knight Dig of whatever and dick around. Very rarely now is it my main gaming machine.


    I use it in desktop mode for one of my two living room TVs. Its so FUCKING awesome having a full PC I can charge and keep alive with just a high powered USB C cable. Its an amazing media PC because of its size and doomed profile.

    6 months ago

    I’ve only had it for a couple of weeks, but it’s been ~95% of my gaming time. I have a decent desktop gaming rig (I need a video card for work, so I built a computer last year), but I have a time-consuming job and I want to be present for my kids. My only gaming time is in the evening, which is also my only time to spend with my wife (without kiddos), so I’m not going to leave her to have on the other end of the house. I play in bed next to her.

    I’m a patient gamer, too, so it’s a plenty powerful machine for all the games I play anyway. I’ve mostly been playing Stardew Valley since it doesn’t require complete attention, so I can also watch a show with my wife at the same time and catch most of it.

    I have so many games I want to play on it, but I’m in no rush. I’ll be using the Deck for many years, I’m guessing. With the OLED screen, I don’t see why I’d need to upgrade, either. I don’t need a faster machine. I literally have 100+ PC games and even more console games I want to play that the Deck can handle, so I’m completely happy with this device’s capabilities.

    6 months ago

    I’ve slowly been playing less and less on my deck, cause i got a new computer, and am taking full advantage of it with cyberpunk 2077. I’m still probably gonna start using my deck more when the new computer awe goes away.

  • the
    6 months ago

    It’s not my primary device but it fills a couple niches really well. And travel device isn’t even the most important, though obviously I love it for that.

    Sometimes I game with it over my PC when I want to be outside in the summer.

    But most of the time I end using it with the tv. I have the dock and it’s become more like a Nintendo switch than a Sega game gear. My friends and blasted through Streets of Rage 4 in an afternoon for example. And im in a couple discord movie servers and when I’m watching I just switch to desktop mode and full screen it.

    So yeah I’m not using it the way I thought, but it gets used couple times a week minimum, a lot more if I have along bus or train ride.