• Coelacanth@feddit.nu
    1 month ago

    The core of the game is really solid, I just wish it didn’t copy so much from Genshin design wise. It almost feels like an investor was leaning over the shoulder of the developers, constantly telling them to “make it more like that game that makes $100m every month”.

    There is a separate, distinct idea somewhere beneath that i wish they leaned into more heavily. Go for that post-apocalyptic vibe fully, don’t intersperse it with idyllic pastoral landscapes just because Genshin looks like that. Go for more war and strife stories and less goofy silliness.

    Still, the combat is really fun and the general gameplay design too. All characters feel unique and distinct and the Forte gauge is a really cool mechanic that already has several creative implementations (Sanhua for example).

    I really hope they’ll recover from the disastrous launch, there is potential for a good game in there if they get a chance to keep building on what they have.