Description: white text on black background. “Remember – the only thing standing between you and your dreams is your appearance, lack of talent, and general personality”
And student debt, and lack of access to affordable health care, and affordable housing, and affordable childcare, and quality public transportation
As someone from a first world country let me tell you that you can still suck with all of those things.
No lies detected, although I’d assume lack of those doesn’t make not sucking any easier.
Let’s not forget about my piss-poor attitude
And mental health disorders
Oh yes, musn’t forget the mental health disorders. Certainly haven’t done me any favors
me when I forget I have depression because the depression ate my memory
Have you tried making art? I hear mental disorders are a pre-requisite to being successful at that.
And the whole being stupid thing.
Looks around at famously successful people…
Good news, that one can be overcome.
Did you happen get the “rich parents” starting feature? It seems to be the preferred solution…
Hey they were talking about achieving my dreams, not being famously successful.
fuck, how do I keep forgetting that one.
and the lack of discipline. all-around lack of motivation, really
No, I’ve got all that in spades the real problem is that I was raised abusively in a way that actively discouraged agency which severely exacerbated my predisposition towards executive disfunction.
Ya know, take a moment to look around. Think about yourself a year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago. What were your biggest problems then? What are your biggest problems now?
My hope is that you have better problems now than you did back then. I also hope you are doing some things now that you only dreamed of back then. I hope you had the courage and opportunity to make the moves you used to be terrified of.
The thing with success, is that it’s not the top of some mountain. It’s this elusive thing that keeps you dreaming for more and more, because you don’t just stop dreaming if you “attain” success.
“When you take a moment to accept things as they are, you don’t need to hope anymore because you realize where you are is kind of okay.”