On the issue of Gaza, Biden is dramatically out of touch with the voters he needs to win re-election. If he will not be moved by morality to stop his support of this war, he should be moved by vulgar self-interest. Gaza is not a distant foreign conflict: it is an urgent moral emergency for large swaths of voters. Biden will lose those voters – and may indeed lose the election – if he does not cease his support of these atrocities.

Biden has that rare opportunity in politics: to help the country, and himself, by doing the right thing. But he must do so now. Both the Palestinian people and his own election prospects are running out of time.

  • trevron@beehaw.org
    1 month ago

    This sentiment is idiotic. There are plenty of reasons not to vote for Biden. Don’t blame people who actually vote with a spine for the shit political problem in America. Voting for the “lesser evil” has just been a slide further and further right for decades.

    No representation, no vote. People can and should vote for who they feel aligned with and everyone should be okay with other people doing that. You know, actual democracy and shit. Fuck this team sports shit. Third party is an option. If the dems actually wanted to win they would offer basically any other candidate.

    Biden dropping a $37bn package to bolster police forces in response to peaceful student protests should show you that its fascism on both sides of the coin.

    If Trump wins, at least the liberals and the leftists might actually realign and then maybe something decent will happen before we are all obliterated/enslaved by our corporate overlords.

    Either way we are in for more dumpster fires.

    • drwilhi@beehaw.org
      1 month ago

      so you are pro trump and the what he will do to Palestine, got it. Third part will never be elected to the office of president until there is third party support in all other levels and branches of the government. This is by design of how our elections work. You get 2 choices, if you vote for a third option you are in fact voting for your least favorite option. I am saying this as someone who was a 3rd party voter up until 2016 and voted for that bitch Jill Stein who turned out to be a russian shill.