Balcony solar panels can save 30% on a typical household’s electricity bill and, with vertical surface area in cities larger than roof space, the appeal is clear
On loss of power these inverters cut off within 20 ms or so. These are grid-tied, not insular (though with hacked firmware some of the models can be madeninsular-capable).
On loss of power these inverters cut off within 20 ms or so.
20ms are exactly 1/50th of a second i.e. our grid frequency I think there’s some more leeway. A whole oscillation being gone surely is suspicious and you want to shut off but that might take another millisecond or two.
It’s not a hard realtime cutoff spec, more a relais native actuation time. And from the behaviour I’ve seen they are ramping up slowly over minutes when the mains power is back, which seems a sensible thing to do.
On loss of power these inverters cut off within 20 ms or so. These are grid-tied, not insular (though with hacked firmware some of the models can be madeninsular-capable).
20ms are exactly 1/50th of a second i.e. our grid frequency I think there’s some more leeway. A whole oscillation being gone surely is suspicious and you want to shut off but that might take another millisecond or two.
It’s not a hard realtime cutoff spec, more a relais native actuation time. And from the behaviour I’ve seen they are ramping up slowly over minutes when the mains power is back, which seems a sensible thing to do.