Twitch Updated their Sexual Content Policy:

  • Changes: Certain content now allowed with labels
  • Artistic Nudity: Permitted under Sexual Themes Label
  • Game Nudity: Contextual; labels necessary
  • Body Painting: Acceptable with appropriate label
  • Mature Games: Label generally covers content
  • Stream Visibility: Impacted by content labels
  • Twerking, grinding and pole dancing are now allowed without a label.


    7 months ago

    Oh God now my YouTube is going to be full of weird zoomers talking over Minecraft about oddly Puritanical nonsence and misogynistic bullshit covered in a thin veil of pseudo-woke word salad.

    It’s even worse when it’s the anti-wokes doing it, pretend to care about the moral cohesion of society just so they can be angry that women are making money.

    I think it’s great that tech companies are starting to relax on their puritanism, maybe they’ll stop being so heavy handed in moderating other content too or at least provide a space for it