A husband. A father. A senior software engineer. A video gamer. A board gamer.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Well here’s a few off the top of my head…

    1. Interstate commerce is governed by the federal government. The internet is a bastion of interstate commerce.
    2. Schools now require the internet for kids. ISPs being allowed to be anything more than a dumb pipe means they have the control of what information is sent across their network.
    3. The internet is now a basic human right in the United States for numerous reasons, one of which is #2. Basic human rights have notoriously been mishandled by the states. See: slavery, indentured servitude, civil rights, voting rights, air and water treatment, etc.
    4. ISPs cross state boundaries and should be governed by interstate law.

    An ISP being a business, especially a publicly-traded one, will sacrifice all manner of consumer/user-protection in order to maximize profit. And having the states govern against that will lead to a smattering of laws where it becomes muddy on what can actually be enforced, and where.

    Net Neutrality, as a general concept, must be codified into federal law in order to help protect the common good and interest of such a basic utility – and yes, the internet is a utility despite in some places, very few in fact, where competition is available.

  • In much of what he said, he’s not wrong.

    I feel that until the republic is actively dying (successful coup, turning military against own citizens, etc), Americans will sit idly by and armchair-criticize what they perceive as “the other side.”

    And while the media is certainly at fault for so very much, along with money in politics (Citizens United decision, lobbying, etc), fundamentally the blame really rests on us American citizens for becoming, on the whole, so uneducated, so apathetic, and so accepting of the us vs. them mentality that it will require some kind of revolution to shake things up.

    My only hope is that I’m either dead before that happens, or that it’s not the Trump fascists (or any fascists) who succeed in the revolution they have already attempted once.

  • The article in no way describes any actions taken by Valve that leads me to believe there is any impending enshittification. They simply have made decisions, a lot of which they have stuck with for many years.

    Enshittification has to do with bait and switch, effectively. It’s luring customers into a false sense of loyalty and then abusing that to their financial gain (see: Reddit and Spez from 2023).

    The article basically says “there are some decisions by Valve I like, and some I don’t.” That in no way provides any path toward some bomb going off. Perhaps time will prove the author right, of course, because any company can easily decide to screw over their customers, but the article is click-bait and completely speculative as to what may happen.

    And due to all of the above, I think the bomb is about to go off where elephants will fly out of my refrigerator and steal my soda.

  • Of course. But there is no reason Lunar time couldn’t be kept as UTC.

    It all has to do with how we perceive time and humans are notoriously bad at it (most people seem to hate the idea that 12pm could mean middle of the night…they must have 12pm equal to sun high in the sky).

    For the moon, though, the only issue would be with how UTC is calculated on the surface of Earth, which will have a time offset to play in with respect to the moon, in order to keep in sync with Earth-UTC (similar to how electronic satellites like GPS have to calculate).