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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023

  • Oh you do that, Biden. And Netanyahu, being profoundly interested in our point of view and well known for being open minded, will surely sit down and listen respectively and take your comments into account.

    Netanyahu has one characteristic; it is self-serving and that means a total bloodbath for sport. It will never change its programming. But you just go ahead and try to get this filthy piece of stinking scum to recognize it’s own fatal flaw. That will the day. That will certainly be the great day we all so fucking richly hope for.

  • Sure, they demand change. And I would like to see a flying pig with purple and gold spots. We can all soothe ourselves with magical thinking that, somehow, all of a sudden, people will become humane, smart, caring and worthwhile.

    I’ve been alive 7 decades and have seen 7 decades of war in the mid-East, of people hating police, of police brutality, of crime, of degeneracy, of hyped-up shit-brained plutocrats thinking they are the saviors of mankind, of protests, and hate and war mongering and sickness.

    Nothing will change. The only outcome, to any of this, under any circumstances, is an all-out nuclear war, which if we are lucky will come sooner than later. Sweet oblivion. Total eradication of human filth - that is the only possible and hopeful course for the future of this planet.

  • There was no chance Putin wouldn’t stay in office, more’s the pity as it says all that needs be said about why mankind is unreedemable and unworthy of any sort of salvation. Humanity is a cesspool, and Putin is just one of many pieces of feces that swirl around thinking it is better than the rest of the stinking filth swirling around it.

    Why can’t we just have the nuclear war we were meant to have by now? Why is it taking so long for us to hit those buttons and get this nasty shit over with once and for all? It’s the only outcome that will ever be possible, why are we prolonging it??

  • Jesus H. Fuckin Christ almighty, we human beings are fucked up. A simple common sense concept such as getting people vaccinated against a pandemic disease turns into a huge political global firestorm about control and sovereignty and other ridiculously unimportant crappola, not to mention all the fucked up misinformation spread by evil corrupt people. I really believe we must innoculate the human race most effectively by simply nuking everyone to death and doing away with human beings for good. People are evil and stupid and without any hope of redemption.

  • Well it’s the truth. Look at the world and what’s going on, it’s never been any different. I was born in the late 50s, the middle east was at war even back then. Russia was a threat to the rest of the world back then also.

    And it wouldn’t matter if the with refugees in Indonesia was resolved, or the Gaza strip was given back (now that it’s a total ruin) to the Palestinians. Men would soon find some other reason to go to war and kill each other. That’s what we do. We need to invent excuses to use our weapons to feel justified in splattering blood all over the planet.

    Hooray for us. Can we please just have the nuclear war already and get this stupid thing over with already??

  • As I said previously there’s absolutely no way anyone could force me to live a lie or pretend I’m not gay, even under threat of execution. I’d SO much rather be dead that live in a world where I have to be something I am not and live a baldfaced lie. It’s such a damn shame that Russia is such a filthy country full of small-minded bigoted assholes, when their most famous composers and writers were all gay. To spit on their own culture and their own wealth of contributions to the world -really a god damn fucking shame.

  • I don’t know of any off hand, I was in a discussion with someone else here about linguistics but because I disagreed with a point they made, they called me an idiot and stopped communicating. I mean, right there is an example of what I mean about being open to other people’s ideas rather that dismissive of everything.

    Like I said I’m an English major and have always been a short story writer, so language is quite important to me and yet I know that some of my ideas are from the older ways of thinking about language (after all, it was over 40 years ago that I got my degree). And I try not to ever deliberately exclude people if I happen to use old-school ways of labeling men and women.

    That comes from the place I was educated and the beliefs I had growing up, not any desire to be ignorant to others at all. In fact I always hope that my writing can reach across barriers in some way.

  • Well I’m a cis male also, and very openly gay (though I still don’t really think that word describes anything about me other than sexual preference). It’s great that you are secure enough to be able to enjoy the possibilities of wearing anything you want, including ear rings or ear piercings or nail polish.

    And yeah, I mean I’m open about being gay but I don’t own a rainbow flag or a teddy bear, and my favorite film isnt’ “The Wizard of oz.” (How’d that even get associated with us is something I’m still baffled about). Yet people can sometimes tell I’m gay, and some are cool with it while others suddenly seem like I insulted their mom and never talk to me again. Good for me!

    You’re right that we should at least try to be inclusive when we talk with each other. Insults and put downs just shut people down and keep them from having open honest communication.

    Your paragraph makes perfect sense to me. I will say that I do sometimes find it very confusing what to say to say in gender-neutral situations. It’s hard because I’m an English major and very old-school, so when someone says “they” to mean “her or him,” it sort of feels like a road bump I overlooked but not on purpose.

    if that makes sense. Language is alive and active and it should be inclusive also wherever possible. That also means not hating on people like me who sometimes still use pronouns in an old-school kind of way.