• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2024


  • sentientity@lemm.eetoCasual Conversation @lemm.ee*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    This may not be the case. Doctors don’t always have a say in how their group manages its website or whose job it is to do that, it usually is not the doctor themselves. But mainly - it will not benefit you in any way, ever, to get angry and think of women as bitches when something like this happens. Things like this will always happen in life because life is inherently stressful. So that just sets you up to feel angrier and worse over time, and in a sexist way. I like to listen to music, make some tea, or watch something horror-y to decompress when something shitty happens. That way the feeling doesn’t get directed at anyone, and it doesn’t grow. This person might have been a little rude on the phone but ultimately she’s not the cause of the phone problems at her office or the deadlines you are dealing with, or anything else going on on your life. Sometimes upsetting stuff is no one’s fault.

  • sentientity@lemm.eetoCasual Conversation @lemm.ee*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    Blame the large healthcare companies who cause these issues, not the individual people. The doctor and secretary are probably just as frustrated as you are, they’re not allowed to do things in the way that would make most sense or seem helpful to you. That doesn’t make anybody a bitch. It’s structural and likely out of their hands. The medical establishment is not the place to go looking for pleasant human interactions.

  • No, I’m not. But my family and their acquaintances asked everyone these things too, and it was just a passive aggressive way to judge peoples’ life choices and sometimes outright imply they were making the wrong ones by being single/queer/disabled/different/whatever. I have no idea why it’s considered socially acceptable anywhere lol. Sorry you’re dealing with this

  • It sounds like you don’t have a lot in common with these people or like the way they interact with you. Instead of making an effort to meet you on your terms, they’re asking questions which are pretty universally considered rude. It sounds like you may be depressed and struggling right now to feel enthused about life / or feel comfortable socializing, which is fine. But I probably wouldn’t want to talk to these people either. I promise you that people you will actually like being around are out there. If you feel ok with your life as it is right now, then you’re in the right place for you. If how you feel changes, then you’re the one who gets to decide whether to change any aspects of your life or not. When I was younger and in similar situations myself, the solution was to limit time around them. My life started to feel a LOT less “empty” once I got away from people who were devaluing the nontraditional but still worthwhile and fulfilling parts of it. Some people only see job title and relationship status.