• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Sekiro is possibly my favorite game of all time, and for sure my favorite From Software game. I can’t even describe how much I love this game.

    The feeling you get when you finally beat a boss that initially seemed literally impossible (looking at you Sword Saint Isshin) is incomparable. Just the biggest dopamine rush ever.

    And it’s like riding a bike. Once you get it, that muscle memory stays. I went a year or so without playing it, and within 5 or 10 minutes I was right back where I was.

    Truly a gaming masterpiece. Enjoy it. Also, if you find yourself getting stuck on a boss and you find yourself getting into a loop of doing the wrong thing over and over, try giving it a rest for a bit and come back with fresh eyes.

    I was struggling on the final boss for hours until I rage quit and went to bed. Tried again next morning and literally beat him on my second try.

  • Because gamers are dumb fucks lol

    Edit: ohhh struck a nerve. As a gamer myself, I’d be a fucking liar if I said that the average gamer isn’t a complete fucking moron.

    But yes, I’m aware of the state of FO76 at release. I honestly could not care less about this game then or now.

    The point was that it doesn’t matter how much of the game may have been fixed. It could literally be the greatest MMO ever now, and people would say it’s the worst game ever because their knowledge of the game begins and ends at the broken launch. And there’s a sense of pride in that ignorance. And that’s gamers being fucking stupid.