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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Humans are (what behavioral scientists call) “conditional cooperators”. They contribute more to the public good if they believe that others contribute as well. For this reason, pessimism about others’ contributions is harmful. It can constitute a critical obstacle for climate action. We thus conclude in the paper that, “[r]ather than echoing the concerns of a vocal minority that opposes any form of climate action, we need to effectively communicate that the vast majority of people around the world are willing to act against climate change and expect their national government to act”.

    This is one reason I dislike the term “virtue signaling”, or at least it’s negative connotations. We communicate to each other in so many ways, and it is important to see small actions around you to combat the manufactured idea that everyone is apathetic or opposed to change. Highlighting small virtues, even sometimes your own, is important even when the good deed or the person doing it is not the best possible. It can be off-putting, like being lectured, or like witnessing someone’s cringy morning mirror pep talk. But if you don’t take it personally you can see these things as just reflections of our collective thought struggling awkwardly to adapt and move forward.