ladfrombrad 🇬🇧

not called Brad but rather a lad, from Bradford in the UK.

Enjoys breaking apps, escooters, spam rings and sometimes bones, but not my own. That sucks.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Being a consumer means I don’t attribute others ethics, nor ideology, when making a buying decision.

    I buy things because I’m a consumer of goods that tries to save myself from having to spend more, to line others greedy pockets though.

    If those are my ethics, call me a dirty consumer perhaps? But people getting paid minimum wages whilst people who do nothing other than tell their sales department to up their price “just because” it doesn’t come from a certain geography is like chopping your nose off to spite your face IMO.

    edit: I found a perfect example of this. Berghaus fleece Vs a Amazon basics, or hell, even a Regatta fleece. Just the badge, and nothing else.

  • You don’t need to pay a subscription fee for cloud storage when it’s super simple to host your own, and Android allows the mounting of different filesystems too.

    SMB on a rasp pi + cheapo storage + Tailscale, all the way to paying £$€ for a dedicated NAS enclosure with as much storage as you can afford also with Tailscale?

    Yup, fuck subscription fees.

    You also can then use the corporate cloud storage providers like G/ProtonDrive etc to use their free offerings for off site backup of the most important data.