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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • If this is some kind of question like “you can only play this in your lifetime” I’d pick up a DSi XL or closely a 3DS, I enjoy the DS library more, so it would be a downgrade doing it there, unless things have changed since the last time I checked.

    The reasons are simple, it has tons of great titles and many of them have a high replayability value.

  • kratoz29@lemm.eetoGaming@beehaw.orgLet's discuss: Metroid
    29 days ago

    The longest I stuck with the franchise was through Metroid Prime Hunters for the DS, and it wasn’t the graphics or the game itself that captivated me (although both are awesome, ngl) but the online capabilities and gameplay, I have not even finished the game, only played several minutes of the campaign (which maybe I am not missing out of much here, as I have read it is one of the weakest), and yet I have had more than 500 hrs of playtime thanks to the multiplayer, which I still used even after the closure of the servers thanks to Wiimmfi.

    For me the gameplay with the stylus as the main aim control is the best the DS can offer to have a proper and fast paced aim, if you could search for some of the crazy stuff that the pro players managed with this game on YT and how hardcore it can get for this hardware in those days, you’d be surprised, here is a video that comes at the top of my mind, and it is a recent one too, also the sniper battles (imperialist) were pretty awesome.

    With that said, I know the franchise and what it means for everyone, I appreciate it that much that I refuse to even play more metroidvanias without finishing Super Metroid (and Castlevania Symphony of The Night while we are at it).

  • FFS this!

    Am I losing my head or what!? Because I can’t get how everybody else is missing the obvious, the adaptations need to be good, we are not tired of super hero movies, we are tired about garbage adaptations, and I literally can’t believe any thinking person would really believe:

    Oh, people are really tired of Marvel and DC, but game adaptations are thriving it must be their fault (because we are tired, obviously), so let’s focus on adapting videogames now!

  • Ok, I gotta ask, I know almost nothing about the lore of Fallout, is this show for me? Does it have enough content for newcomers that makes it worth it?

    I did enjoy the Twisted Metal TV show, if that brings any context about what stuff I like, although at least I did play some of their old games and enjoyed them, but I remember next to nothing about the game’s “plot”, if there was any to begin with.

  • I think it is a pretty great handheld, but I am more of a DS guy, I keep playing several of its games thanks to Wimmfi, even when the 3DS has retro compatibility I think using a proper DS is way better.

    With that said, the 3DS has its own fair share of good games, and it is your console if you like RPGs, I just would want it to have more visual novels.

  • This is the first time I heard of Sublinks, and honestly after a quick look through here in Lemmy I get the impression that main devs of Lemmy and Sublinks can work together to improve what it is currently the best option (Lemmy).

    I honestly think it is way too early to have a Lemmy “replacement” even if it is all running in the Fediverse, I just think it is a split of efforts, granted, I don’t know all the background that runs behind and it seems like Sublinks dev does it like a hobby too.

    Regarding moving communities to Sublinks, yeah, it is up to instance maintainers, but that is a no for me, heck, I already had to recreate my stuff from the dead FMHY account I had (there was no account migration at the time), it seems like adding more decentralization to me, and we already had that with multiple repeated communities ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Finally, don’t get me wrong, options and alternatives are always welcome in my book, but as I said before, it feels like way too early for me.