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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • I haven’t worked with Scribus but I’ve heard good things about it, so I don’t think you’d be making a wrong choice by going with it. For this use case, the main reasons I can think of for why LaTeX would be preferable would be:

    • if you preferred working with it, or with a particular LaTeX tool
    • if you want to learn one tool or the other
    • if being able to write a script to create the output is something you want to do and the equivalent is not possible in Scribus

  • You can also get replacement Hall effect analog sticks from Gulikit and install them in your joycons yourself. They also made them for the Steam Deck. I installed a set in my old LCD Steam Deck and it was really straightforward, but I suspect the joycons take a bit more work.

    It’s a shame they don’t make them for the PS5 - there are multiple third party controllers with Hall effect sensors that are compatible with pretty much everything else, but there’s only one Hall effect controller compatible with the PS5 (the Nacon Revolution 5 Pro), and it’s $200.

  • That was my first comment and all I did was share a list of games that have historically used EAC. If a game used EAC at launch then it’s pretty clear that its publishers have used EAC in their games. I made no statements about it being kernel-level or otherwise.

    That said, EAC is a kernel-level anticheat, but unlike Vanguard it doesn’t run at startup. A tool being (or not being) kernel-level is a matter of which privileges it has when it runs, not when it starts up. Starting at startup allows an anti-cheat tool to perform more diagnostics and catch cheats that might otherwise go uncaught, but it’s also more invasive and increases the attack surface of people who have it installed.

  • This is a very surface level overview of the frameworks it covers. The title is a bit of a reach, as it wouldn’t give anyone enough information to make a more educated decision about which framework to use.

    Are you the author? I think it could be improved by including:

    • metrics - number of apps that use each, number of job offerings, github stars
    • who backs each project, and how much can we trust them to continue developing it in a way that’s friendly to developers
    • for React specifically, a bit more info on the prominent frameworks - Next.js, Vite, Gatsby, CRA/CRACO, or ejected CRA - since the difference between them is substantial
    • a high level description of the use case that the framework is designed for, as well as use cases where it isn’t well suited or has drawbacks.
    • how does the development experience differ? Is there a lengthy build step? Does it offer hot reloading? Does it come with a built-in linter or integrate easily with one?
    • Does it have a bundled testing framework, and how does that compare to other offerings? For example, CRA comes with jest and it can be a pain to configure jest to properly handle all of your dependencies - it doesn’t use the same build pipeline as your app and will fail if you’re using newer dependencies that use import statements instead of module.exports and you don’t individually configure each one. Vitest, by contrast, uses the same build pipeline as Vite.
    • Ease of writing unit tests, component tests, and e2e tests (even if that means pulling in another library)
    • ease of use with or without typescript
    • some more substantial example apps per framework, like a to-do list that uses a simple API (preferably the same API in all cases). Currently the examples don’t even show what the code looks like with basic styling

    If you are the author, I saw your article on Typescript and would also like to say that you can configure your linter to not warn about using any. There’s even a no-implicit-any rule that you can use if you only want explicit any types but don’t want, for example, responses from API calls to have that type by default.

  • I was curious if this supported cross save with the existing game and if it was also going to be launching on Android. Looks like both answers are “No.”

    From Supergiant Games’s blog post:

    Does Hades on iOS support Cloud Saves and Achievements?

    Yes and yes. Please note, however, that due to a variety of technical constraints, automatic save transfers (i.e., cross-saves) with any existing version of Hades** **are not supported.

    Is Hades also coming to Android devices?

    We appreciate the interest though we have no plans for additional versions of Hades at this time.

  • Laws should be heavily influenced by what is morally right and wrong, but morality as a concept is not influenced by laws. An individual’s or culture’s sense of morality might be, but if laws are derived from morals then that’s fine.

    Questions of morality will have different answers when the context changes, so it may be morally unacceptable in one society to do something and morally acceptable to do the same thing in another. Laws have an influence on morality only insofar as laws have an impact on the context in which actions take place. This would not be because the law prohibits those actions.

    Some examples:

    • If a law is passed outlawing sharing nonconsensual AI-generated pornography, it should be because it was agreed that doing so is morally wrong. The law being passed doesn’t make it suddenly morally wrong.
    • If a law were passed making some completely innocuous action illegal, and frequently punished - say, hand-painting Nintendo or Disney characters on an interior wall in your own house - then posting publicly on someone’s Facebook wall about loving their Princess Peach X Princess Elsa mural would be morally wrong, even though it would have been fine to do that before the law was passed.

    The context that we have is that it is illegal (in the US) to:

    • distribute copyrighted materials
    • download copyrighted materials
    • bypass DRM even when making a backup, except for specific purposes. With video games, unless you are circumventing DRM because the auth servers were taken down (inapplicable for the Switch) or solely because you have a physical disability and are patching the game to support other input options (standard keyboard and mouse specifically excluded), then it is still illegal.

    So in either case you’d be doing something illegal. But morally, in a situation where you’ve purchased the game and are platform-shifting to an unsupported platform (like the “time-shifting” defense used with VHS recordings, DVRs, etc.), then the laws aren’t really relevant. The laws certainly don’t exist because there’s societal agreement that this type of platform shifting is morally wrong.

    The reason the person I replied to had to pay someone to rip his own game for him is because Nintendo makes it difficult to do so. Even if the law were different and allowed those actions, I don’t understand why anyone would think that it makes sense that a corporation can morally obligate their customers (who want to consume their product in a particular way) to perform work with no value add when the customers could get what they want by doing something much easier.

    Unless you’re actually causing harm (directly or indirectly) to someone by your actions in one instance but not the other, I don’t see how one option would be morally acceptable and the other morally wrong.

    If the game were supported on the other platform, then the context - and potentially the outcome - changes. If Nintendo invested a decent amount of money porting BotW to Android phones and it cost them a decent amount of money to do so, then would it be morally wrong to not support them and to emulate it instead? Would there be an ethical obligation to support them? What if the Android port was terrible - would it be acceptable to buy it, then use the emulated version anyway - and if you’d bought the Android version and were emulating it on Android, would there still be a moral or ethical obligation to purchase the same cart you were emulating? What if Nintendo just licensed or repackaged Yuzu and didn’t actually make any changes to the game, so their investment was minimal?

    It’s a different situation entirely when determining whether it’s morally wrong to host a site with freely downloadable ROMs. The site could be used by people who did not purchase those games, causing lost revenue to their creators.

    Both of those situations have grey areas and I can see why someone would consider them immoral. I have opinions on them, of course, but there’s a lot more nuance there; I can easily see why someone would feel differently.

    With this specific situation I don’t understand - and am trying to understand - how someone could come to different conclusions for the morality of the two actions. Are they inferring that you support the site hosting the content when you download it? (If you use an adblocker and don’t financially support them, would it then be fine?) Are they assuming torrenting, where you would have to either leech (which they would consider immoral) or seed, and thus distribute, as well? Or is there some other factor that I’m not thinking of?

  • I picked up an Onyx Boox recently (specifically the Note Air 3C, which is a color e-ink tablet rather than just e-reader) and since it has the Google Play Store, I was able to just install the Kindle app. The Boox Page ($250) and Boox Poke5 ($170) make up their traditional sized e-reader lineup, and both appear to support the same thing. You could also install the Kobo Books app and make future purchases there, as well as library apps like Libby and Hoopla.