If he lost a kid who liked that show, that certainly would explain it. His story sounds so sad, if true, I can’t imagine what that would be like…
lol, so Exactly What It Says On The Tin is common where you live then, I’m guessing?
Is he an Ancient Greek time traveller or something? I swear, that would make for a kickass movie. “You all know the guy. Or girl. That one person in your town, or one of those people if it’s a city, in the impossible urban legend. They’re weird, possibly nice, possibly just creepy, probably mentally damaged.” montage of the other examples “This is ours. We called him the artist. Pretty mild, he just sat in coffee shops and watched people walk by. One day, though, our perception of him would change. Not just in this town, but in this timeline. This… is what happens When Worlds Divide.”
That and humans in general are all crazy in some way. “Normal” is a standard we can try to achieve, but it’s neither realistic nor ideal. At some point a person is sane enough that you have to say “why criticize someone for being themselves?” instead of questioning or distrusting it.
Aww… I’m glad there are people like him, those kittens were probably doomed otherwise unless there was a local animal shelter and even then finding homes for animals tends to be difficult.
Sadly, this is literally the case; it’s a genetic deformity she and other people have had from birth.
Wow, that… that really makes you think. No wonder UFO nuts refuse to admit Roswell was revealed as Project Mogul in the 90s, their belief might be all they have left and if that’s somehow obsolete…
F-ing A! Props to him, it’s a very unique look and most people can’t seem to work up the courage to do more than follow trends.
Certainly a better king than most!
My mom is this, cats love her and she doesn’t mind too much even though she’s allergic to them, but it does mean she can’t pet them because cat hair gives her watery eyes, stuffed up nose and sneezes/coughing.
If not for that and that some cats pee on everything, I’d love to adopt a cat. They’re basically a furry parent if they like you, that’s why they sometimes try to bring you gifts (they think you’re a kitten because you can’t hunt).
I like to make sure other people’s pets are comfy or happy when I visit someone or see someone walking their dog by taking notice and being nice, dogs and cats especially are usually happy to be noticed!
Wait, is this worth elaboration or am I better off not asking?