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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • Surveying isn’t hard, it’s a science humans have mastered long before this map was made.

    But I that’s like saying putting down a brick is easy, so building the Via Appia wasn’t all that impressive.

    This is the result of the collective efforts of an absurd amount of people working hard in the shittiest, least inhabited places on Earth, and combining all that information into a single sheet of paper.

  • without ever realising that the game actually respects almost any choice you might decide to make in that moment. Kill both, kill neither, kill the gunmen instead… All those options are accepted by the story.

    • You can’t kill both.
    • If you leave, you die by sniper shot.
    • If you wait too long, the snipers shoot one of them.
    • If you attack the snipers, both prisoners die.

    All choices come down to the exact same battle. It’s literally the same thing as what Mass Effect does, without even the colour-change ending. The quantum-ogre will ALWAYS be in front of you here, and in other places, it’s even more obvious.

    In the scene with WP, the game won’t continue if you don’t push the White Phosphorous button. You can absolutely keep playing, for an insanely long time without pushing the button, but you won’t progress. The game tell you “Press here to meet Quantum Ogre” and won’t let you past without pushing the button.

    And then it tries to be all deep, by telling the player they chose to push the button. The game would be significantly more impactful if these choices DID matter. You can’t place blame on a player if the ludology doesn’t allow deviation.

  • These ideas are all pretty horrible… it’s your typical “we need to replace the entire system” bullshit that always fails to look at more than one aspect.

    The big upside of modern sewers is that nobody has to shovel human waste. You don’t just drop it into a hole like with a vacuum toilet, zero water toilet or a modern outhouse, you transport it to a modern facility for treatment without anyone touching it.

    The number of diseases that spread through your poop is very high. Having people move around and pick up your pile of poop(and hay), to use as fertilizer is just a begging for an outbreak.

    Granted, using potable water to transport feces is dumb as shit, pun intended, but that’s an entirely different problem to solve.

    Source: am safety lady, work with hazardous materials (indirectly, I only very rarely actually handle human waste)