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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2024

  • The man will work 12 hour days at some menial job and the wife will spend all day trapped with kids. Probably get divorced at some point because they find out the stress of everything has sucked the romance out of their marriage. The oldest won’t talk to one of the parents and the youngest will think it’s their fault.

    This worked back in the old times because at least 2 or so of those kids would die from disease or war. There was cheapish land to go around to be on a farm or have some business. You probably had at least a three bedroom house and it allowed for some privacy. Also, families might help out each other so there could be some support.

    It’s a load of shit to think this will happen the way you want. If this did happen, it would probably be some commune that is labelled as a capitalistic paradise and where every one should be. In reality, it would be forced communism with extra steps and new branding. Think company towns mixed with Handmaid’s Tale-type woman subjugation. Oh, the freedom is so bright that it burns.

  • I helped my nephew kind of retrobrite the plastic casing to an old tapedeck. We took out the guts from it. I de-soldered the old chewed up power cord from it. I’m going try and show him how to solder the new one onto it. Only problem is I’m going to have to figure out which side of the plug goes to which terminal. Will have to investigate further on that.

    I might try to investigate joining a tabletop game some time this week. I’ve watch ten tons of D&D and read rules. Pretty decent at most of the rules. I just don’t know if it should be that or another table top or maybe a board game.