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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 29th, 2024


  • I am a wheelchair user, as is the person who wrote the article I’m sure you didn’t read, and we are offering you another term.

    The term is accepted and preferred by the community in general, and I provided you with one of thousands of detailed articles written by wheelchair users (E: as well as official government and other institutional and community guidelines) that explain why. You not wanting to listen to members of a group when they tell you your language is inappropriate or simply outdated, and to adapt and grow and show minimal respect, is a you problem, not a “nitpicking” problem. Your use of ableist language for emphasis, and pulling the “but my wheelchair using friend never corrected me” doesn’t help your cause either.

  • I watch about the same of both, and watch similar categories of sports - athletics, gymnastics, swimming. Not really in to team sports, cycling, weights, martial arts, stuff like that.

    I also stay braced for an unnecessary amount of ableism from the reporting and viewing public, and the athletes achievements being turned in to “inspiration porn” instead of being regarded as excellent in their own right, but try to focus on the idea that seeing disabled athletes is enough to “normalise” disabled people to some (though it will also give some the wrong impression that disabled people who don’t compete are just being “lazy”), and that that’s better than being completely excluded from participation.

    I think my favourite part of the Paralympics though is hearing the athletes talk about how incredible it is to be the majority for two weeks. Where everywhere you turn it’s disabled people as far as the eye can see, of all different shapes sizes ethnicities and abilities, and for a rare and brief moment, you’re surrounded by people who truly understand and share your experience of the world.