• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2023


  • To start of with, yes, I find it irritating.

    However I like to think about things and here’s how I think about this. Firstly, these people have more skin in the game in a literal and metaphorical sense. They’re sharing their bodies with us and have no great expectation of immediate financial gain for doing so. So, if I were in that position I imagine my attitude would be ‘I am sharing myself and I get to dictate the terms of how that sharing happens.’

    Second, they may be experimenting with communities to find where they seem to be best appreciated.

    Third, they might be deciding whether this kind of sharing or instance or platform is right for them before investing more time and effort in creating more and better quality content.

    So I think it’s a learning curve thing and if one creator starts to try to milk the same five photos for an extended period of time I’d expect them to fall foul of the laws of diminishing returns.

    I can afford, for now, to put aside my irritation with the reposts and hope that the users doing it settle down into a natural rhythm of posting OC.

    Of course some mods of individual subs might like to drop them a kindly worded warning PM that such behaviour is largely perceived as irritating and they might like to think about it but I think there’s users that post non-OC content that behave in other ways which are hurtful to the instance which should probably be addressed first.

  • I think you’re deluding yourself on that issue.

    I have fairly mainstream tastes and I have a large collection of various pictures. As an experiment I picked a number of those pictures, based around various themes and posted them. I’ve been quite successful in terms of upvotes as a result. However the more interesting thing for me is what happened today when I had run out of that initial selection.

    Yesterday I didn’t post any pictures and as a result a number of other users posted a wider selection of content than had been available while my posts were doing well. I want to share content with other users that share my preferences but I don’t want to be part of the problem for niche communities or for original content creators who only have a small audience and probably never will appeal to the mainstream.

    The Only Fans people seem to be riding high and that’s good, we don’t need to worry about them getting flooded out.

    But there may be creators who have a natural audience of maybe no more than twenty and it’d be nice for them to be able to have those twenty upvotes without there being immediately five upvotes that will knock them very quickly off the active page and some shitty comment about how they are not… I dunno, whatever ugly thing people think of to say.

  • Which is where the phrase ‘the tyranny of the majority’ comes in. Just because you’re in the majority doesn’t mean you have any kind of moral or aesthetic superiority.

    Don’t get me wrong you have a right to like what you like and to dislike what you don’t like.

    What you don’t have is the right to tell people that what they like is wrong.

    I don’t know about anyone else but that attitude is why I left reddit.

    What I value about how Lemmy is now is that in general people are a little bit more willing to say, ‘I don’t like it but that just means I don’t engage with it’ rather than ‘Kill it with fire and downvotes.’

  • I think that if you aren’t beating reddit on the empathy metric then you’re not doing at all well. I was struck forcefully by the opinion of the OC poster on the downvotes debate who said:

    When I started posting here our content was heavily downvoted, even in communities appropriate for it. This was very discouraging. It made us feel bad about doing something we should be doing for fun.

    And then you’ve got various other people talking about things like the lack of downvotes devaluing upvotes, which to my mind is just childish nonsense in the same vein as the existence of trans people devaluing masculinity and femininity.

    The sheer glaring entitlement of people that are not sharing anything wanting the right to make people feel a bit shit about themselves…

  • OK, so I have looked at this in the past week and I think you hit the nail on the head with your page contention suggestion. Seems like most casual browsers will be looking at one of three feeds: active, top hour and top six hours. I think the most viewed is active as it is the default and people coming here, wistful with a fist full, are less interested to change that. The difference between page one of active and page two is good for between 3-20 upvotes in an hour, depending on the overall popularity of the post. When a post gets to the bottom of the page it’s possible to bump it off with as few as two downvotes.