Alt account of for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • My thing is that there’s a minimum price for fairness, and then there’s products that present themselves as being marked up for fairness that don’t actually benefit the people a fair price should benefit. Your best bet is to do some research into what the minimum fair price something is, and then look for something that price from a local economy.

    Unfortunately, this is next to impossible. The systems in place favor us never knowing where anything comes from, and the research tools we used to be able to use to find fair prices (internet search) have been broken for this purpose for nearly 10 years (not just AI bullshit, but all those SEO pay to play bullshit listicles that even infect real human driven testing processes like The Wirecutter and Gear Lab). I think there’s even an argument to be made that AI is an intentional device to steer us into a digital dark age where finding real trustworthy information is nearly impossible.

  • So… Be an activist in a way that works for performative white liberals? Is that the overall message you’re gunning for? Because I mask up to protect my brethren when we go to fight back against police injustice and fascism. I’m signing my shit by showing up and risking arrest. We mask up because some of us are more vulnerable to wrongful arrest and conviction than others. Stop telling people the way they’re fighting fascists is wrong and hiding behind saying who you’re actually standing against is the proud boys. Your stance is cowardice. Your stance is to paint within the lines, to be polite, and to ask nicely for the lives we were born into this world with a right to but aren’t always given.

  • And what do you think I’m talking about? Cops and fascists want to hurt me for saying it’s not okay for their boys to kill a member of my community. I don’t wanna give them any opportunity to come arrest me for some made up bullshit about how I was doing disorderly conduct in public, and then resisted arrest, and then assaulted an officer. If you’re getting out in public with your face in view and not worried, congrats. You’ve won the racial lottery. Meanwhile the rest of us gotta keep our heads on a swivel because of our facial features, hair texture, and skin color depending on what the cops find to hate in us.

  • If you live in a society that lives under mass surveilance, it is not a free society. You’re not making me think you know what protesting is. You’re describing petition, and you’re really making it sound like maybe you have access to the kinds of privilege that are hard to imagine within an overall hierarchical society. It sounds like you don’t want countries your nations companies profit from to rise up in rejection of the fossil fuel profiteering that gives you access to these things. Please realize the “free society” you live in is the same tortured society the rest of us are trying to dismantle that you’re saying don’t have enough freedom to qualify for your masks off argument.

    Which is to say nothing about that this whole discussion has pulled us off the original accessibility concern immunocomprimised people experience. Your masks off argument would see these people stripped of access to the right to petition that you hold dear. When I think about it it genuinely makes me angry just how dismissive of what everyone else is saying. We’re telling you about a REAL and present threat and your response is just to say if we lived in a free society we wouldn’t have to fight for our rights. We know! We know that! That’s why we fight. But what’s frustrating is that your society isn’t as free as you’re saying. You live in a country with active neo Nazi and white supremacist factions. What are you going to do if they gain access to that mass surveilance mechanism. How are you going to tell them you don’t want the descendants of slaves in your country to get lynched? You gonna ask politely?