Anarchist, autistic, engineer, and Certified Professional Life-Regretter. If you got a brick of text, don’t be alarmed; that’s normal.
To those on the other side, they think we mean “Get rid of all police, zero funding, go away”
It was literally “abolish the police”, but the shitlibs watered it down to nothing as usual.
If that happens then I swear to fucking God I’m done with YouTube forever.
Edit: i.e. if it breaks FreeTube, Invidious, Sponsorblock, etc. (because I’m already done with the main site forever) then I’m out. If the choice is between content vs no ads, I’ll take no ads even if it means no content.
Would be great for me and others who have trouble with body language. I could deepfake a version of myself with neurotypical body language and offload the effort of “acting normal” to the AI for interviews and video calls. Genuinely I’m super pumped for this.
Yeah my position is really to recommend any FOSS OS in the large over proprietary ones. However, since my experience is primarily with Linux distributions, and I do think that Linux makes sense for a lot of use cases, I usually start by talking about “Linux” first.
But, from my experience, if a “solution” to a problem “forces” the user to make a choice, then they’ll stick with what “currently works” over having to make a choice. So when I talk to people about Linux IRL, I typically direct them to Linux Mint directly, even though other distros exist and it actually doesn’t fit my use cases. Once they’re comfortable in the Linux ecosystem, they can switch to a different distro or OS family if they feel the need to do so.
I think this can be translated into something not completely wrong. I.e. I have seen calculus like this in old-school books that use operational calculus. It usually uses differential operators instead of integrals, although antiderivatives get operational formulas in terms of the differential operator, and it leads to the Laplace transform because it exhibits identical operational properties.
Can we rename Neptune to “Smaller Uranus”? I couldn’t tell the difference if they weren’t shown together.
Constant unprompted calculus lessons