Seems the end of the Washington Post as a serious and reliable news outlet. It will not be the last in the current anti truth wave.
Seems the end of the Washington Post as a serious and reliable news outlet. It will not be the last in the current anti truth wave.
Putin has his claws into way too many world leaders.
Healthcare should never ever be a system based on making profit. It should be based on keeping the people as healthy as possible and limit suffering. This means strict government control and that’s something America isn’t fond off.
I also liked very much what was going on in the beginning, same as you. I don’t want to Tesla shame anybody, sorry about that.
I loved Pascal back then, only worked with Arduino “C” more recently. Still think Pascal was a great language. Basic was my first one obviously. The manual that came with a cheap Mattel Aquarius was fantastic. It worked with examples and also similar functions as they one they described. The very first computer I touched was a Exidy Sourcerer. Had to share that with my classmates. I tried to create games as well, but never really finished anything outside a few very simple games.
The whole world only has one problem: bad leadership.
Thanks for this great info! Horrific, though. Assuming that not much has changed in attitudes since that time, you can only wonder what chemicals are harming us all without us knowing it. All this while someone, somewhere, does know.
Conservatism has been forcefully on the rise, but something like porn can cause it’s downfall. It reminds me of the videotape format wars end 70s, early 80s, with VHS pushing out Betamax due to porn.
I don’t trust Elon, so I don’t trust Tesla. If I would get one for free, I would immediately sell it. I’m not against electric cars in general by the way.
Well, we can witness the 1930ths all over again. Great. Humans are dumb idiots, they don’t learn.