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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


  • Idea scratchpad:

    1. Hire celebrities and late night talk show hosts to endorse the product and/or do skits about the product
    2. Incentivize the product by offer pairing, example: offer free donut or free burger and fries along with product
    3. Schedule airtime for industry experts to proselytize the product’s efficacy
    4. Offer different versions of product from loosely “competing” vendors. The natural human tendency to form tribes will carry the promotion of said product.
    5. Overtly threaten your potential consumers: “If you don’t consume <Humble Bean> then you’re going to lose your means of income!”
    6. Tie the consumption of product to their natural rights, while sneakily rebranding rights simply as “privileges” that can be revoked in response to product refusal.

    These aren’t my own ideas. I’m just borrowing them from some experts in the field.

  • The unfortunate thing about older relatives prying to get to know you when you are young, is that hardly any kid has yet had the life experience to become the interesting person their relatives want the to be. Even by college age most, myself included, can hardly offer more than “I’m fine”, “nothing particularly new going on”.

    And sure as hell we know that pre-internet relatives don’t want to just hear you say “I’ve just been browsing/playing vidya/binging shows”, which is sadly the norm. So they receive safe canned responses instead.

    The fix:

    Take risks and go do interesting things. You don’t need anybody’s permission to start a new chapter in your life. I have accomplished things that I only wish I had done years earlier, when those curious old relatives were still alive. Don’t become like me. Don’t wait until it’s too late.