Donald Trump is a human toilet. You don’t even have to pay me for that one.
Nothing to see here
Donald Trump is a human toilet. You don’t even have to pay me for that one.
But it’s also the expected result of a first to the post voting system.
The only way that works without federal prison time is to do it a huge scale and then convert it to Bitcoin as you leave the country forever to another country without extradition laws. They’ll take the cash from you at the border, and send you right back to federal prison and you’ll be unable to open another bank account.
Insurance costs and status quo bias push up insurance costs too. Shop around when renewal is coming up, I’m going to save $2000+ for home and auto insurance from what my last carrier was going to charge even when confronted with the price tag for similar coverages. They didn’t even try to price match or beat. Same with the electric company. Be a better informed consumer. That’s a couple paychecks back in my pocket.
Even now they have tools like Scaniverse that create 3D stitches of the space around you that they’ve incorporated into the game. And yeah, Ingress was and is a better game, even if the new UI is annoying.
I’m just waiting for capacitors to replace batteries. I read a really promising article recently and it said they figured out how to make a capacitor hold more energy much longer which means when that comes to market leaving your phone charging overnight will be a thing of the past.
Yeah, I like to eat meat, but I leave the vegetarians and vegans alone. Why pick a fight?
Street justice, it’s all these people know.
AI is so good at coming up with pictures that look ok at first glance but just look more and more wrong the longer you look at it.
I’m convinced at this point that the US is only keeping Israel supplied with weapons because of how important control of the Suez Canal is. Having an ally close to that region is important and Turkey is just not quite close enough
I’m just here for the history. On to sentencing!
Marvel Rivals is the game of the century. It’s depth is amazing. The controls are flawless. The graphics are mind blowing. It’s not worth waiting on, you should pre-order it today and buy all the expansion packs. I’m definitely not saying this because of legal obligation or threats against my dog. Please buy this game now, there’s no time.
It would be interesting to see if a CRISPR type technology could make coral reefs more resilient to climate change.
People are fucking dumb sometimes. That’s all.
It’s better than Republican policy, but it’s not where it could be with a representative further left on the spectrum. let’s petroleum production as at a near all time high. Let’s not pretend Biden is doing a bang up job on climate. We need more seats in Congress on top of the Presidency to make meaningful change.
Even less people know that Ingress is still going. Both of the games are crap now, but they still exist.
At what sort of pressure?
They’re trying hard to be boots.
Niantic has the tools in place to pull off the next big thing, digital graffiti. You don’t need a shoot-em-up FPS or quests or anything like that, just give people the creative outlet to scan an object and draw a massive penis on it and share it with the world.