Three o’s!
3D Dot Game Heroes on the PS3. Forget good ports, this poor game didn’t get ANY ports.
Rhythm Heaven might be one of my favorite rhythm game series of all time. It’s kind of hard to compare with other rhythm games, because RH isn’t really like DDR or Guitar Hero or Osu! where the harder songs = more notes to hit. There are some songs where you might only have a couple dozen inputs, but you need to be exact on all of them. It’s charming as hell and I love it, and Dolphin running RH Fever works greeeeeeat on the Deck.
The plan was to cover everything in orange, but as I was applying the skin I liked the orange/black combo so much I decided to leave it like that.
Last weekend I was in the final stages of selling my house and there was too much stuff to do to really relax. This weekend I’m not doing a dang thing, I’m gonna sit back and watch SGDQ or maybe the Olympics or something and play video games.