The resolution isn’t great for the free account, and one can definitely see where the methane emissions are coming from. I checked a few of the oil fields in my state. :-( At least it’s not as bad as TX. smh
The resolution isn’t great for the free account, and one can definitely see where the methane emissions are coming from. I checked a few of the oil fields in my state. :-( At least it’s not as bad as TX. smh
NIfty! Is this data available to the general public? There’s some places I’d like to check.
“return to the great variety of traditional crops that people used to grow more of, like cowpeas, cassava and a range of millets.” It’s odd that this article doesn’t mention more crops. I’m not sure about their ‘range of millets’, but one thing I know it that the problem with millet is that it contains goitrogens with can cause thyroid problems. Diversity of crops sounds like a good idea.
The Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS)
Another article I saw yesterday said she punched him in the face multiple times. smh. And someone, sure should have been arrested for assault.
Wow! This sifting AI can do, in conjunction with bench top experimentation makes for a whole new game in drug discovery. From approx 39,000 substances for training the model, to 12 million compounds screened, to reveal 280 likely compounds, then off to the lab, and they found 2 promising candidates. Talk about finding a (2) needles in a hundred acres of haystacks!!
Citation: Discovery of a structural class of antibiotics with explainable deep learning (
Umm, I don’t know about y’all, but I’m not seeing any adverts here. Like none.
Dwell joyously in the Darkness.
WAIT A MINUTE!!! You mean Douglas Adams was actually an LLM?