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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • Diplomacy is usually the way to go.

    I realize that this is a foreign concept for Americans, but yes. The stopping of trade or even the threat of such, is a powerful tool indeed. And there is so many options within that concept that doesn’t involve arming every man, woman and child to the teeth and just letting them go at each other until something is resolved.

    Because looking at the countries that encourage such, we see that things just tend to get even more complicated. More complicated and more violent.

  • In that case, why bother to label them at all?

    Let every purchase be a gamble.

    I’m just saying thank the gods for Screenshots, ‘Let’s Players’. because labeling everything as just “RPG” is the same as just labeling every type of meat as just “Meat” and graphics cards as just “Graphics Card” in closed packaging with only the companies names to differentiate.

    I like specifications on the products I might be buying.

  • Without having seen the series I’m guessing yours is probably the most accurate descriptor I’ve seen so far.

    Whenever it comes to fandoms like this, the camps are always so divided in extremes. And neither camp is usually correct.

    I mean, I saw Twisted Metal season 1 and it was not good by means an “actual reviewer” would stand by. But was it enjoyable? Sure. (Probably more so if I was high while watching it.) Will it be remembered? Not by a long shot.

    The Fallout TV Show is likely better than TM, but I doubt it will remembered alongside Breaking Bad, The Sopranos or even Futurama for that matter.

  • Probably because Valve doesn’t make games anymore. Not on any serious level anyway.

    Most of their games are old as hell, and most of them where in the “proof of concept” relm. They only really made games to push the technology they were working with.

    It’d be a poor argument to bring up their old catalog of games from 20 years ago as something that made them a worse company today.

  • It’s about more than just taking a 30% cut of sales. Everyone agrees that it’s a high price. So what else might the potential competition do that make them stand out as worse than Valve?

    Also, overworked and underpaid Devs are a different matter. You have look at their Publishers about that. I believe Valves Devs are quite well paid and far from overburdened.