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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • We don’t live in history anymore, we live in the present. Our relationship to information and journalism is not the same as it was in the past, for better and for worse.

    In the past, a typical individual would have access to maybe a handful of news sources. You’d pay for the printing and delivery of a physical newspaper and that was going to be the extent of the journalism you were exposed to. I don’t think it’s realistic to think one should subscribe to every news source they’re likely to encounter online. I’d also counter that radio journalism was one of the main sources of information in the 20th century and had no such paywalls.

    That said, I’m most annoyed because no one is actually talking about Stract, just about how 404media decided to lock the article

    You know how that could have been avoided? If the link actually contained any useful information about Stract instead of being a sign-up page :P

  • I definitely can understand it, but that isn’t mutually exclusive with me wishing people would take a second to check the community they’re commenting in.

    I’ve never implied it was malice (suggesting closed-source software in a FOSS community is a pretty weak example in maliciousness even if on purpose!) And really I wouldn’t say I’m worked up, I just wanted to bring this up because I’ve noticed this type of thing happen across a couple FOSS communities on lemmy and maybe someone will see my original comment and be more mindful of it next time.

  • Tom Scott very much seems like a workaholic and clearly has a passion for these types of videos. I’d be incredibly surprised if this were truly the end of his presence in YouTube rather than just the end of the current iteration of his channel.

    Episodic deep dives would be lovely, it’d be really be fun to see that different pace of information from him. I always enjoy when he starts going on a tangent on the Lateral podcast, but he always catches himself for the sake of the show (to my slight disappointment at times.)

  • So far, out of the suggestions in the comments, the only ones that are FOSS and currently work with the latest versions of lemmy are Jerboa, Thunder, and Voyager. Liftoff and Eternity are also FOSS, but haven’t been updated since July and October respectively, so may have issues if your instance is running version 0.19+.

    Boost and Sync are both closed source and I really wish people would stop recommending them in a community specifically for free and open-source software. I’m sure they’re good apps and I don’t begrudge devs making money from their work, but if they do I don’t want them getting free advertising in the comments of a FOSS-specific community.