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  • 8 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Because trying to make laws around socialization, at least for businesses, will lead to them just optimizing how to be just within the bounds of the law which pushes the problem down further and they have to create a new law for it. This is worse for socialization because it’s ambiguous meaning it can be “satisfied” without really being satisfied.

    It’s like a parent telling a child a rule for the house without the child understanding why. The child will follow the rules because there is expected punishment but it is fragile. If the child understands why and agrees then the child will follow the rules and it will be robust.

    So yeah you can do both but I think only one of them actually solves the issue, the other just delays it.

    Edit: added apostrophes.

    Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Ok, I watched the video and I agree with Hank’s point. Taking action towards your values, even if it isn’t effective by itself (which Hank argues against), is always a good thing.

    The thing is there are barriers within society that make it harder to make the ethical choice. For example if I wanted to be a vegan I’d have to pay extra since the dairy and beef industry have subsidies and most corporations charge extra for vegan/vegetarian options.

    Or if I wanted to help with pollution and started to recycle yet most of the recycling gets thrown in landfills anyways because of how things are stored with other trash.

    And I’m not saying that just because it is harder that people shouldn’t try and do the right thing but the thing is that most of these barriers are dynamic and will change to make it just as hard for people if it starts taking away power from people at the top.

    I think the general point that is trying to be made when people say that collective action is needed instead of individual action is that individual action doesn’t really change underlying problem that is causing most of the harm and instead is just making the cause of the problem more bearable.

    I’d say if you want change it is better to take action that encourages the system to change rather than taking action that doesn’t focus on effecting that at all.

    Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • I don’t know I think that it is giving a bit to much credit to these organizations. Yes they are big and powerful but they are still run by humans who both give these organizations their power and also are the weakest links of most organizations.

    This is why most new systems don’t come into power until the old ones become weak enough. Like capitalism was a thing during the times of feudalism for many years without necessarily replacing the main system but eventually as feudalism and the monarchy grew weaker eventually capitalism and meritocracy in some sense won out.

    I mention this because yeah I agree that some sort of push back and fighting is going to be necessary but that alone isn’t going to be the main driving force. The external conditions also need to be ripe and to me it seems like we are on the verge of something new occurring.