Six sided devops engineer and baseball fan

I am also, but this is my primary and more active account. The account is for ecology and stuff

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • PornHub is a monopoly. They own xnxx, redtube, xhamster, and several production companies such as brazzers. Their categorization system has also had some ranging impacts on actresses’ ability to get work after they turn 22. I highly recommend listening to The Butterfly Effect by Jon Ronson.

    ALSO so we’re clear, I’m not a fan of this legislation because its dumb as fuck and doesn’t help anyone, least of all sex workers. When people lose easy access to porn it usually results in WORSE conditions for sex workers because suddenly there’s more demand in places without safety infrastructure.

  • Wyoming is investing heavily in wind even with the understanding that current turbine designs ultimately cost money to repair and operate as opposed to being a solution that pays for itself. The conversion of a coal plant to nuclear is part of a long term strategy to reduce environmental impact. They’re taking a long view approach that solar and wind can’t in the short term do what they need it to do but that continued use of coal, at all, even just for the short term, is untenable. Meanwhile, Wyoming is ALSO investing in research on using nuclear byproducts to generate electricity. I have a lot of complaints about Wyoming and how chill they are with the alt-right but I have to commend them that their energy strategy for their state basically reflects what we all need to be doing

  • Put simply: yes

    The typing scheme is highly innovative and the code they used to do it is proprietary so its a little hard to get started replicating. Further, they have a design patent that means you need permission from the company and licensing to replicate that action. The way they do this licensing and permission means its FAR easier to get that permission and include the proprietary binary blob than to reinvent the mechanism. I’m sure there are extreme radical FOSS-heads interested in doing this with code they’re working on, but any big project that wants to create a legitimate daily driver keyboard is going to be more focused on other problems surrounding ethical predictive text and the precision of screen taps. Like this is more a question of what problems are worth solving than anything. There’s plenty of hard problems in the mobile keyboard space that don’t involve lawyers, especially when getting access to the Swype lib to embed in keebs has thus far been pretty trivial and that lib has been found to be not gnarly in audits.

    Personally I do have worry about Swype doing a rugpull with this licensing to keyboards that are using it, since that’s one of the paths of enshittification/rot-econony, but I also wouldn’t choose not to use a keyboard without swipe gestures (in fact my current keyboard doesn’t have them because I can type fine enough without them and its one less thing to install or worry about)

  • Short answer: No

    Long answer: Look into the phrase “rot economy.” Basically, enshitification starts MUCH earlier in the process than an IPO or a major buy out. It happens because our financial markets value growth, not financial gain. We always here about how companies only worry about the bottom line, but they don’t, actually. They care about demonstrating growth. How do you make growth happen while not worrying about the bottom line? Easy! Operate at a loss on purpose! That way you can capture more of the market in a fiscal year, and then the next year adjust your prices a little bit and operate at slightly less loss and show investors you’ve grown. Those adjustments? That’s enshitification. It all happens from the very first moment when you decide, “We have to capture the market.” That’s not the IPO. That’s the very founding of a business.

    We need to instead value sustainable businesses. Ones that have higher revenues than losses. And you’ll notice something VERY interesting about sustainable businesses: They don’t do MASSIVE 3rd quarter layoffs literally every year. Why? Because they don’t have to show the investors that they’ve made a profit, they just need to show they captured more market and then reduced costs