It really kind of does. If the author is so ashamed of the work that they won’t sign it, that speaks volumes.
It really kind of does. If the author is so ashamed of the work that they won’t sign it, that speaks volumes.
An anonymous hit job that reads like it was written by Ehmke. We should give this any credence because…?
I have a Raspberry Pi 3b (I think) that handles Nextcloud just fine. It currently has an old 500 GB hard drive, but I’m about to upgrade to a 3TB. It isn’t configured for external access, but as I recall setting up the ports and domain seemed relatively trivial.
Sounds like Spaz is about to have another Numbnuts Moment.
Apparently, it isn’t about FOSS. It’s about trademark infringement.
The Zenkit suite may do what you want. I started using it when M$ applied E3 to Wunderlist
To answer the question, I very much prefer fountain pens. They’re much more economical in the long run, they write smoother and are less prone to clogging, and the different inks are just fun.
To the point about carbons: Not many situations require carbon copies these days. For those that do, you can usually pick up a vintage (not a modern) Esterbrook for a reasonable price and replace the nib. Esterbrook had a couple dozen different nibs, some specifically hardened for writing carbon copies. They’re also fairly easy to find.
There may be some modern pens that are good for writing carbons. Check Goulet Pens or some of the other online sellers.
NB: If you go for an Esterbrook, definitely look for the antiques. They may require a bit of maintenance, but they still write beautifully. The modern ones are made by some outfit that purchased the company name for overpriced branding, but they have no connection to the originals.
I admit that I have all alerts deactivated for the simple reason that our local agencies can’t seem to use SAME codes and I get tired of waking in the middle of the night for a thunderstorm three counties over.
If only he had found religion instead of founding a for-profit, he’d be riding high and no one would care.
Which sticks will they use to be sure that this funding actually develops charging stations rather than lining CEOs’ and bureaucrats’ pockets?
Seems to be still available on Apple’s store. And if Google intended to bury it, this is definitely Streisand Effect at work. Wish I’d known about this a few years ago when I was hiking more
What are anti-features?
Now I want a cup, too. I’ve been surprised that more businesses haven’t used this tactic with posts on TripAdvisor, Yelp, and other ratings sites.
Let the Trump/McConnell tax cuts expire, and it’ll disappear even faster.
Joplin has this functionality, although I don’t often use it since I prefer to type directly into the Markdown editor. Whatever you choose, be sure that you’re comfortable with the security and privacy implications of it.
In other words, they skipped internal stress testing and staged rollout to production systems. Instead, they pushed a template based on results of a single (faulty) validation check to all customers.
If it gets purchased by Big Pharma, it’ll be a lot more expensive than that. But yeah, I was being far too conservative.
On the other hand, after losing my shit with college kids who want to write papers about “technology addiction,” which doesn’t appear to exist outside a certain cottage abuse (ahem, check notes) “bootcamp” industry, it’s a relief to see the FDA recognize benefits.
Is this going to be like “prescription” pet food? Four times more expensive just for branding?
So Crowdstrike knew they had a problem before it happened?
Not defending pedophiles, but there was a time when 13 was considered adult. It’s still legal for teenagers to marry in most countries.
Anything can be taken out of context.