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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Are you from Tuya? They seem hellbent on locking their stuff down to the cloud.

    Perhaps point out to your management that IOT is an enthusiast driven market. If you appease the enthusiasts, they will recommend your products to their less technically inclined friends.

    Enthusiasts want both: a good initial software ecosystem, and the option to break out of that if required. If your company can offer that, even if it involves voiding the warrenty, we’ll buy and recommend their stuff.

    In the case of Tuya, their stuff was historically super easy to open, solder some jumpers and flash (or exploit the OTA to flash). I bought loads of their power boards and lights. In some ways I was an ideal consumer, I bought their stuff, voided the warrenty immediately (so no support calls), and never used their cloud, so didn’t waste their resources. Now they are making it near impossible, and I won’t touch their stuff.

    All that said, good luck, your gonna need it.

  • I gave a windows 7 netbook to my grandma a few years back. It wasnt super bad, but eventually her eyesight started to ler her down. She upgraded to an android tablet, which is greatly helped.

    She was fairly technically proficient though, she used to take the bus to the library just so she could take classes on how to use computers, so she set herself up for success there.

    She is still mentally capable, but alas her eyesight is letting her down :(

  • Thats fair, i shouldn’t have brought age into it. Sorry. My partner is mid 30s, and I dont think she would find Linux usable either, its certainly not an age thing. Again, sorry for any offence.

    I’m not trying to say that Linux isnt usable, it obviously is for many people (myself included), but for “most people”, i dont think it is “Best”. Specifically, the tech adverse crowd are not going to have a pleasant time without external support, and they make up a large portion of the population. Its silly though, to try claim a “best”. Windows is the clear popularity leader of OSs, but if all other OSs were to disappear except for Windows, it wouldnt take long for the next Linus/Terry Davis to bring out something that suits them better.

    Sorry for rambling :)

    I 100% agree on Medium though, complete nuisance of a site to use. Content is usually not worth it either.

  • It is a high bar, but so is “best for most people”.

    Like i said, its getting better and better, but i dont think its anywhere near close to “best for most”.

    As for anecdotes, my dad has been using Linux for years professionally, and occasionally needs help fixing something that broke in an update. Ill have to pry Win7 away from my mum at some point.

    I think we need to be very careful making these kind of bold claims, as it can end up sounding very silly if it turns out to be untrue. “Year of the linux desktop”, “Mission accomplished”, etc.