This might have changed my brain chemistry just a bit. Thanks, stranger.
It’s totally Thunderdome
/s not /s
You should consider the possibility that you don’t know what “outrage” means. I’d take a breath and go check. We can wait if you like.
Infinitely so. I thought you were making literally the opposite point before the edit 🤣
You’re not a dingus.
This dingus leaves off the source of his list AND the last two years
I guess there’s something crude and fierce about Mad Max 1 that I find really endearing. Maybe it’s not a good film, but it’s got an enormous amount of heart. You can tell Miller was gonna be big from the first :)
When only the first three existed, which was true for my whole childhood, Thunderdome felt like too big a departure from the grit and grime of the first two. It felt sort of overinflated and a camp.
Best reply ever. My hat off to you, dude.
Thunderdome will always be bottom of the list for me, but I no longer think you’re criminally insane :) You did remind me that Masterblaster was a thing. So thanks for that!
Wowzers. This is a mad take. Thunderdome on top? Good for you 🤣
Goddamn I did not think you were gonna help out on this one. Adder, you biscuit. High five. Thanks for typing that out.
Links and everything. You’re a mensch and not a bot :)
Edit: I still don’t agree with you that they should release the data because the company isn’t a monolith and there’s innocent people’s effort and IP at stake. But at least now I feel like I see where you’re coming from.
You’re not being super useful, man. Commenting like this is just talking to yourself in a mirror. Wikipedia has some info about them, so I guess I’m a little caught up.
What part of this makes it a good thing?
You had me at “hello”, you piece of shit.